Chapter 23

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Jay's P.O.V.

After I had got changed, I ran next door because Mrs Paracha had left me some kebabs and I thought I could take them to the party. I opened the front door and saw Nas and Sam making out on the sofa. They both sat bolt up right when they heard the door open.

"Ewww sorry, sorry," I said as I looked away.

"What you doing here?" Nas asked.

"Your mum left me some kebabs," I said as I grabbed the box. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Oi what you playing at?" Sam asked as she spun me around.

"Sorry I didn't know you were having , well you know," I said.

"Put him down," Nas said. Sam let go of me and I walked out the door.

"Have fun," I said as I left.

"We certainly will," Sam said. I laughed as I slammed the door. I ran off to Malick's house with the kebabs. I arrived and pretty much all of year 10 were there. I saw Kiaan and Oliver and I went over.

"Alright?" I asked.

"Yeah man," Oliver said. We just chatted, ate and drank for a while.

"Oh look who it is," Kiaan said as Sean had just arrived. Sean walked over to Lauren. I hadn't spoke to Lauren in ages. We just ignored them and carried on chatting. 

"I'm just going to the toilet," I said and I walked upstairs. I opened the first door I came to. It wasn't the toilet so I was about to leave when I heard Lauren's voice.

"No Sean I don't want to," she said.

"But you're hot," Sean said. I was so angry. I stormed in and saw Sean pinning Lauren to the wall.

"Oi get off her now," I shouted. Sean spun around and I punched him hard in the face. Blood began pouring out of his nose and he ran out the room.

"Thank you," Lauren said and she pulled me close and tried to kiss me.

"No sorry, I can't" I said and I left the room. I went to the toilet and then went downstairs.

"What happened to Sean?" Kiaan asked.

"Punched him cos he was forcing himself on Lauren," I told him. I took a sip of my drink. We carried on chatting and eating for ages.

"Kiaan mate are you alright?" I asked. He looked ill.

"I'm going to be sick," he said. I grabbed a crisp bowl, emptied it and stuck it under him just in time. I looked down at my phone. It was half 12. Shit! I noticed that I had 15 missed calls from Missy, 10 from Hayley and 7 from Saleem. I ran all the way home. I opened the door. Missy ran at me. She smacked me across the face and before I had chance to rub my face she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Where've you been?" Hayley asked.

"At a party," I told them.

"You should of said," Missy told me.

"How was prom?" I asked, trying to distract them.

"Good except from when Jordan caused a right scene," Hayley said. They told me all about prom. It sounded pretty fun.

"Oi what's that on your hand?" Missy asked just as Hayley was telling me about everyone's dresses. I looked down. I hadn't realised that anything was on my hand.

"That's blood," Hayley said, completely forgetting about prom.

"Why is there blood?" Missy asked. It must of been from Sean.

"Err well..." I hesitated.

"Oh just spit it out," Missy told me.

"I punched a guy cos he was forcing himself on a girl," I explained. Both of their faces went from anger and worry to happy. Missy looked at her phone.

"Oh god we should probably go to bed it's quarter to 2," she said. I went upstairs, lay down and fell asleep in my clothes on top of the duvet.

Missy's P.O.V.

After I had got ready for bed, I went to peer into Hayley and Jay's room. Hayley was fast asleep all tucked up in bed. I looked around Jay's door and saw that he was asleep on top of the duvet. I managed to pull it out from underneath him and threw it on top. Man this kid was a nightmare but I loved him anyway.

Jay's P.O.V.

The school year came to an end. I'd managed to mostly stay out of trouble. Sean still hated me but oh well. Ackley Bridge College ain't to bad of a school; good teachers(not counting Mr Shah), decent lessons and good facilities. 

It was the day that the girls got their exam results. I went with them to pick it up. Missy came over to me and Nas and opened it.

"I passed. Four for everything," Missy squealed.

"Oh, well done, Missy," Nas said and she hugged her.

"Me too!" Hayley cheered. 

"Well done you both did brilliantly," Miss Keane said and she hugged them both.

"Well done," I told them. I hugged them both. I walked home with Nas and Missy because Hayley had gone into town with some of her mates.

"See I told you that you'd do well," I said. She smiled.

"Yeah I admit it, you were right," Missy said. I jumped up onto a wall next to us. Everyone looked at me.

"Missy Booth, remember that name because I can tell you one thing. SHE IS GOING TO GO FAR!" I yelled. Nas and Missy were laughing and everyone was staring at us. I jumped off the wall and we all walked along the street. Everyone watching probably thought we were crazy but I didn't care. In that moment we were happy.

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