Chapter 22

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Jay's P.O.V.

The next morning I was making myself some toast and panicking slightly. I had tried to push the thought of social out of my mind but now I couldn't help but panic. And the worst thing was that if social came, I would be the only one taken away because Hayley was now 16.

"What's up with you?" Missy asked.

"Are social going to take me away?" I asked.

"Oh no of course not," Missy told me. I wasn't convinced.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Well no but I won't let them take you not this time," Missy said. I smiled weakly.

A few days later I was just sitting in history when the tannoy came on.

"These kids haven't got a future. High achievers from here will be lucky to trouble the McJob market," Mr Shah said.

"You are unbelievable. Every student in this school has potential. It's our job..." Miss Carter shouted at Mr Shah.

"Come on! Monkeys with calculators could probably pass more GCSEs than my year 11s. This ship is sinking and you're taking us all down with it," Mr Shah shouted.

"I'm not having that," I said and I got up and walked out the class. It seemed that most people in the school had walked out of class. We all ran down to reception.

"Oi! You snobby git," Missy shouted at Mr Shah.

"How dare you call us that?!" Alya shouted. I mean come on if Alya and Missy were agreeing on something. 

"ID, please, Mr Shah," Miss Carter said. 

"You're making a mistake," Mr Shah said.

"I don't think she is. We heard you," Miss Keane told him.

"Yeah," everyone said in agreement. Mr Shah's face fell. 

"DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!" I yelled. Everyone laughed.

"I'm not a witch, I'm a guy," Mr Shah said.

"But sir Monkey's with calculators have a bigger pair than you," I mocked him. Everyone was laughing harder now.

"Right everyone back to class," Miss Carter told us. 

Everything went pretty quickly after Mr Shah was fired. It was the morning of Hayley and Missy's first exam. They were both panicking.

"You're going to do fine," I told them.

"Yeah right," Missy said.

"Just get a monkey with a calculator and you're all set," I told them.

"Ha bloody ha," Hayley said.

"Seriously though you guys are going to be fine," I reassured. The exams came and went. They both seemed to think that they had done well so that's good at least. 

~a few weeks later~

"Ow" I shouted as Hayley jumped on top of me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she yelled.

"Thanks," I said. 

~after school~

I had a party and like at Hayley's most teenagers in Ackley were there.

"Happy Birthday bro," Missy said and she handed me a round present. I unwrapped it and it was a football. And not just them cheap ones you get down Lidl.

"Oh my god! Thank you," I said and I hugged her. The party went well. No one got proper drunk so that was a good thing I suppose.

~two days later~

I had rugby in P.E. Normally that would be a good thing but today this guy, Sean, kept pissing me off. At one point he threw a rugby ball straight in the middle of my face.

"Fucking hell," I shouted as pain shot through my face. Sean and his mates were laughing. I walked up to him and got proper close up in his face.

"Woah, woah lads," Mr Simpson said as he got between us. I walked off and carried on with the game. A few minutes later, I was just running down the wing when Sean rugby tackled me. I didn't even have the ball. I got up quickly and so did he.

"What the fuck was that for?" I asked.

"It's rugby what do you expect," he said.

"I didn't even have the ball," I told him. He stared at me. I was wondering why he was being so annoying but then it hit me.

"Is this because I didn't invite you to my party?" I asked.

"What? No," he said but I wasn't convinced.

"It is, isn't it?" I asked.

"Shut up," Sean said and he stomped on my foot. I pushed him hard in the chest and he punched me back. A fight broke out.

"Oi leave him alone," Kiaan said and he tried to pull Sean away but Sean's mate stepped in. 

"BOYS STOP!" Mr Simpson shouted. At this point pretty much every guy in the class was involved somehow. Mr Simpson had no idea what to do but eventually he got most people apart. The only ones he didn't were me and Sean. Mr Simpson grabbed me off Sean.

"Jay go inside now!" he shouted. I walked back to school and got into the empty changing room. I was so pissed. I kicked the nearby bench and began dashing everyone's stuff everywhere.

"Woah, woah calm down," a familiar voice said. I spun round.

"Mr Bell?!?" I said.

"Missed me?" he asked.

"Thought you were fired," I said.

"Suspended," he told me.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"Came to pick up some stuff," he told me. I sat down on the nearest bench and looked around. The place was a mess.

"So what's the matter?" he asked. 

"I messed up. Got in a fight. I ain't been in one in ages but, well, I fucked it up," I told him.

"Look you're a good kid. You just need to put this right. Clean it up no one will know," he told me. I smiled.

"Thanks Bell," I said.

"Mr Bell," he corrected.

"End," I added. He laughed.

"See you," he said and he left the room. I started picking up all the bags and stuff.

~after school~

It was the prom tonight. Missy and Hayley had dressed up proper nice. Riz came to pick Hayley up. In a limo. A bright pink limo. They kissed. Well I say kissed they looked like they were eating each others faces. They all got in it and just as they were about to leave Missy turned to me.

"You going to be ok?" she asked.

"Yeah I will be fine," I told her.

"Call if you need anything," she yelled as they pulled away. I walked back inside. I wasn't staying in. All the year 10s were having a party at Malick's house. I got inside and got changed.

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