Chapter 28

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Jay's P.O.V.

Everyone came back to our house for food. Hayley was standing quietly by the door and I was sitting on the floor staring blankly at the sofa. Hayley got up and walked out the room. Razia and Nas followed her.

"You come too," Nas told me. I got up and went with them.

"Hayley come on," Razia told her.

"What?" Hayley asked.

"Come on, come with us," Razia said.

"Trust me. Come on," Nas said. We followed them out the front door and all the way down to school. We climbed over the fence.

"You gonna tell us what's going on or what?" Hayley asked.

"It's a surprise," Raz said.

"Come on we're nearly there," Nas told us. We walked around into the quad and loads of people were standing there. They all had lanterns.

"They wanted to say goodbye and all," Nas said. A tear rolled down my cheek. They all set them off and everyone was shouting goodbye and stuff. 

"I know you guys wish it was me, but..." Nas said. 

"We don't wish that it were you," Hayley told her.

"Just wish it weren't her," I said. Hayley went over and hugged Riz and Nas went to Sam. I stood to the side, listening to everyone.

"LOVE YOU MISSY," I yelled.

School wasn't the same. I mean sure, I tried to pretend it was but it had all changed. A few weeks after the funeral we threw a party for Mrs Paracha and Mr Hyatt. They were getting married. It was nice to have something to celebrate. Hayley and Raz were dancing and me, Saleem and Zaffar's son were all talking. Everything was going smoothly but of course it didn't stay that way. Mrs Paracha called of the wedding and yelled at everyone to go home. 

A couple of weeks later, it was the lads vs dads cricket match. Of course my dad wasn't there. If I'm being honest, I don't even remember him. There was barely anyone there. About 6 lads and some girls who had come to watch. We were all sitting around waiting for the game to start when a whole bunch of people came in. More than enough for a proper game. 

"Lets do this," I said. I had high hopes that we would win. I mean most of the dads were over 50. My hopes were lowered when it was Sadiq's turn to bowl. He was brilliant and absolutely destroyed our team. About half way through the game, Mrs Paracha and Mr Hyatt came in. Mrs Paracha was saying something about how Mr Hyatt was the best teacher in the school and how he should be allowed back. I didn't realise he had been sacked.

"And we'll go on strike, if he doesn't come back," Zain shouted. Every kid cheered in agreement.

"STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE!" we all yelled. 

The Saturday after the match Mrs Paracha took us all for a walk up the hill. Me, Nas, Razia, Saleem, Hayley, Mum and Mr Hyatt. Mum's mobility scooter got stuck and Razia trod in dog poo. It was a very eventful walk but it was fun. I slipped in some mud on the way down and slid a long way. Hayley was laughing so hard I thought she was going to burst.

"Very funny," I said as I got up and wiped the mud off me. 

~next day~

We went round to help Mrs Paracha practice for her interview for student support officer. It wasn't going very well. There was a knock on the door. Mrs Paracha went to get it and it was the police. From the living room we could hear Mrs Paracha apologising. She shut the door and her and Nas stormed back into the room.

"Bloody shop lifting," Mrs Paracha yelled. She carried on shouting at Nas and me and Hayley sat on the stairs with Raz, listening. 

The next day we had an assembly. I was late. I opened the door and accidently walked into the door frame.

"Oh fucking hell," I said as pain shot through my shoulder. Everyone was laughing. 

"Who's she?" I asked, pointing at the woman on the stage.

"You would know that if you had been on time," the woman said.

"Yeah well I needed a piss so sorry I can't control my bladder," I said and more people laughed. 

"Man said he can't control his bladder, he be pissing his pants other wise," Zain yelled. I laughed along with everyone else.

"Please sit down young man," the teacher told me.

"Not til I find out who you are," I told her.

"I am Miss Oakes and I am standing in for Miss Carter," Miss Oakes told me.

"Poor Evershed didn't get promotion then," I said. I started walking towards an empty seat. 

"I suppose he is too busy getting his car blown up," I said and everyone was roaring with laughter. After assembly Miss Oakes wanted to speak to me.

"So young man what is your name?" she asked.

"Jay Booth," I said.

"Well, Jay Booth, do you think that was an appropriate thing to say?" she asked.

"What? All I did was say my name," I said.

"Not that. I mean before assembly," she said.

"Oh yes I do," I said.

"Really?" she asked. 

"Yes," I replied.

"Lets go to my office," Miss Oakes told me.

"Miss Carter's office," I corrected. I was sat in the office with Miss Oakes, Miss Carter and Mr Evershed.

"Look Jay I know it's hard," Miss Carter told me.

"No, no you don't know how hard it is," I shouted. I had been trying to push everything out of my mind but I couldn't.

"She was my sister, the only one ever there for me," I said as I tried not to cry.

"I know Jay and I know that you are going through a lot," Miss Carter started to say but Miss Oakes butted in.

"But this behaviour is unacceptable," she said.

"You don't even know what happened, do you? My sister fucking died," I shouted and I stormed out the office. I ran all the way to the fence, climbed over and went into town.

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