Chapter 24

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Jay's P.O.V.

It was a few weeks into the summer holidays. I had spent most of it going to parties and getting drunk with my mates. Today was no different. Me, Kiaan, Oliver and a few other guys were hanging out in the rec. We had a few bottles of cider and we were just relaxing in the Sun.

"Oh look who it is," Kiaan said. Sean had just arrived on his moped with some of his mates and they came over to us.

"Alright gay boy," he asked me. I ignored him and he ran over my foot with his moped. 

"Ow what the fuck," I said as I jumped up. I got proper close in his face. He grabbed some cider from the ground and threw it at me. It got in my eyes and my hair. Him and his mates were all laughing and I punched him in the side of the head. A fight broke out and people all around us were watching. I kicked him in the balls and he fell to the ground. 

"Oi get on," Oliver said as he passed me one of the helmets. He threw one to Kiaan as well and we jumped on the back. It was sick riding it.

"OI!" Sean yelled after us. We were all laughing as we sped away. 

"I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" Sean yelled and we spun off out the park. We went all the way down to the bridge and went under. We were all still laughing but I knew it wouldn't be long until the police found us.

~an hour later~

It was around 7 o'clock. We were all chatting under the bridge when an officer came round the corner.

"Alright lads?" he asked. I froze. He didn't seem to think we were up to anything bad.

"That bike yours?" he asked and he nodded at the moped. 

"Quick," Kiaan shouted and we all jumped on an rode away. We were followed by the officer. I was laughing so hard but my heart was racing. We spun around corner after corner until finally we spun into a dead end. Shit!

"Alright lads mind getting in the car?" the officer asked as he had caught up with us. We all looked at each other.

"Nah officer we can make our own way home thanks," I said.

"I'm not taking you home. Now get in or we will need to cuff you," he told us. Reluctantly we all got into the car and he took us down to the station. We all got put in holding cells. I was freaking out but no where near as much as Oliver. His dad was proper strict. Kiaan seemed pretty chill. His older brother got arrested all the time so he wasn't that fussed. I knew Missy would be mad but oh well.

"Now lads luckily for you the owner of the bike doesn't wish to press charges," another officer told us. I was shocked but happy.

"You will be released on bail so call your parents," she said. Oliver went first and he winced as I presume his dad was yelling. Kiaan went next and his call only lasted a few seconds. I went and picked up the phone and dialed Missy's number.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Errr hi," I said.

"Jay? Are you alright?" she asked.

Missy's P.O.V.

"Err well I've kind of been arrested," he said. 

"You've been what?" I shouted. He didn't answer.

"Err charges haven't been pressed so please can you pick me up," he said. I was so angry.

"What did you do?" I asked. I mean he might have a good reason.

"I stole a moped and ran away from the police," he explained. Now in my books that is not a good reason.

"You're a dumb twat," I told him and I hung up. 

"You alright?" Hayley asked once I had hung up.

"Jay's been arrested," I explained. She laughed.

"It's not funny," I told her. I put my jacket on and went to the Paracha's house. 

"Missy? You ok?" Nas asked.

"Jay's been arrested," I told them.

Jay's P.O.V.

Oliver's dad arrived first.

"What you bloody playing at?" he said and he grabbed Oliver's shirt and dragged him out to the car. Missy, Mrs Paracha and Nas arrived next. I didn't say anything.

"Alright Missy?" Kiaan asked.

"Oi," I said.

"She's single isn't she?" asked Kiaan.

"She's also my sister," I told hm.

"Right come on," Missy said and we walked to the car. We drove along in silence.

"What were you bloody thinking?" Mrs Paracha asked. I didn't know. I guess I just wanted to do something fun.

"I dunno," I said.

"You lucky they didn't press charges," Mrs Paracha said. It was true I was lucky. We got home and said bye to the Parachas.

"There he is our little criminal," Hayley said. Missy glared at her. I tried to walk off to my room but Missy grabbed my arm.

"What?" I snapped.

"Just why did you do it?" she asked. I pulled my arm free.

"Tell me," she said.

"Fine. Wanna know why I did it? Cos I'm absolutely sick of this stupid town where people get knifed up all the time, everyone's skint and no one seems happy. There is nothing to do and I'm fucking bored of living here. And it's not like I'm going anywhere. This town is like mother fucking prison. The only people who get out of here are sent to prison some where else. I just wanted to have fun and escape this stupid house. I used to like living here. Ackley Bridge was this amazing place but I only thought that because I have never been further than Leeds. Being little was fun. We would play out on the streets and dream of being singers or footballers or something but now I realise that's just a kids dream. None of us are getting out of here and I'm sick of doing the same bloody thing all the time. So yeah that's why," I shouted and I stormed upstairs. I got into my room and booted my bed frame. It hurt like hell but I didn't really give a fuck.

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