Chapter 19

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Jay's P.O.V.

The next day I had been kicked out of isolation and told to find Mr Shah. He wasn't in his office so I walked around trying to find him. I heard his voice coming from inside a classroom. I walked up to the door and I heard that he was arguing with someone.

"Look, there is no point in teaching lost causes," he yelled.

"Well, we haven't got any," Miss Carter told him. I was about to walk in but I stopped.

"Hayley Booth," Mr Shah said. I could've killed him. Hayley was a lot of things but she wasn't a lost cause.

"You have no idea what she's been through," Miss Keane said to him.

"Junkie mum? Yeah I've read the file. So, I also know about her attendance problems, lack of discipline and how she's lagging behind in every subject. Look, kids like her don't need to be told they can overcome the odds and go to university on the back of a unicorn. What they need is a reality check," Mr Shah said. I flung the door open.

"I'm going kill him," I said and I tried to run at him. Miss Keane held my wrist but not very tightly.

"I will not teach our kids to lower their expectations," Miss Carter said to him. 

"You're a fucking arsehole," I told him. Mr Shah left the room. Miss Carter and Miss Keane looked almost as angry as I did. 

We had a meeting with social services. Hayley and Missy weren't speaking to each other. Mr Shah and the social worker came down the corridor. Miss Keane stepped out from the canteen. 

"I don't remember asking you to join us Miss Keane," Mr Shah said. I could of punched him. 

"They need someone in their corner," Miss Keane said. 

"I'm not sure that's entirely appropriate," Mr Shah told her.

"I'm not sure I care," Miss Keane said. And that is why Miss Keane is the best teacher. I turned around and saw Aaron coming down the corridor. I was so happy. 

"Sorry I'm late," he said. 

"Shall we do this?" Miss Keane asked. The meeting was a success. We got to stay living at home with Aaron. 

~next day~

There was some public speaking competition so another school had arrived. I was just walking around school when I saw Miss Carter, Miss Keane, Lorraine, Mr Shah and some guy from another school.

"Darren this is..." Miss Carter said but Mr Shah interrupted.

"Javid Shah. Deputy head," he said.

"And all round twat," I said a bit louder than I meant to. They all turned to look at me. I smiled.

"Are you one of the speakers?" Darren asked.

"Oh no they've got Alya on that. She's a bit of a twat as well," I said.

"Right thank you Jay," Mr Shah said.

"You're welcome sir," I said. Some girls from the other school were giggling. I smiled at them.

"Alright?" I asked them. They nodded.

"Stop flirting and get back to class," Miss Keane told me. I walked off. 

~at lunch~

I was sitting in the canteen eating lunch with Kiaan and a few of my other mates. 

"Oi look at this," Oliver said. He showed us a picture of Cory at a food bank and Alya had written something underneath.

"That is out of order," I said.

"Someone needs to tell that cow where to go," Kiaan said. We all agreed.

~after school~

I was walking home and I saw a big group of people.

"FIGHT! FIGHT!" they chanted. I ran over and joined in. It was between Razia and the new girl Sam. I slotted myself in next to Jordan. Missy and Nas came running to stop it.

"I'm not doing this," Sam said. 

"You what?!?" Razia said and she pushed Sam. 

"What you doing? Smack her," Candice said to Sam. Everyone was making chicken noises and I joined in. Man I wanted to see a fight. Missy saw me and she looked pissed. 

"Just go home," Sam yelled. Everyone was making loads of noise.

"Go home," Sam told Razia and she pushed her.

"Get off me," Raz said. Sam walked off and Razia followed her. Nas ran and tried to stop her sister. 

"OW!" Nas yelled. Everyone stopped. 

"Oh my god!" Sam said as she picked up a knife shaped thing, "Are you ok?"

"Nas?" Missy asked. Mr Shah saw what was happening even though it was out of school. He grabbed Sam because she had the knife in her hand. 

"You better have a very good explanation for this,"Mr Shah said. 

"Nas, you all right? What's happened?" Missy asked. Nas moved her hand away and I saw she was bleeding. 

"We'll get you to hospital," Mr Shah said to her. Everyone was walking away but I stayed behind with Missy and the others.

"You look good in leggings, sir," I told him. Missy smacked me round the back of the head.

"Ow I was only joking," I said, "Not that you look bad sir but... you know what I will see you later." I walked off. 

~the next day~

I was eating lunch with a few of my mates when Alya walked in. She went and spoke to Riz and his mates.

"Do you never learn?" Alya's ex best friend asked her.

"Bunch of sheep, the lot of you," Alya said. Everyone was watching her now.

"Oh, but it's all right when they're following you, isn't it Alya?" Nas asked.

"Oh so you're speaking to me now? I thought you only had time for white girls," Alya said. Missy did a peace sign.

"Don't you think you should be quiet, young lady?" Lorraine asked.

"Oh, come on it's embarrassing watching you crawl," Alya spat. 

"Alya, that's enough," Mr Simpson said.

"Mr Simpson. If you want to be taken seriously round here, you might want to grow a pair," Alya said, "And as for you surely that care in the community scheme has come to an end." Everyone was gasping and chatting.

"You need to stop your mouth now, young lady," Mrs Paracha said to Alya. 

"Come back to me when you've learnt to speak English properly," Alya said and she threw her tray onto the table. Everyone was shocked.

"Yo that's out of order," I said.

"Don't you have a social services meeting now. You normally do," she said and she stormed out the canteen. 

"She's a fucking cow," I said as I sat down.

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