Chapter 18

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Jay's P.O.V.

I got into my room. I so wanted to go but I had no idea how I was going to. Then I thought about climbing out the window. I mean I would probably be able to sneak out. I opened it slightly, swung my leg out and jumped the rest of the way. What I hadn't realised was that the curtains in the living room were open. The door swung open and Missy was looking at me.

Missy's P.O.V.

"Umm hi," Jay said. It took everything in me to not burst into fits of laughter. I mean he had just jumped out of a first floor window.

"In," I told him. He walked inside and tried to go upstairs.

"Nah you're staying down here," I told him. He looked annoyed but sat down never the less.

Jay's P.O.V.

I messaged Jordan and told him I couldn't make it.

~the next morning~

I was waiting in the quad when I saw Hayley walking with Raz.

I walked over as a huge group began to gather. 

"Right what have you done?" Nas asked.

"It's the latest thing. What do you think?" asked Hayley. Nas started laughing.

"Er I think you're daft in the head," Missy told her. I got a proper good look at her face. My jaw dropped. She had painted it brown.

"What were you thinking?" I asked and I burst into fits of laughter.

"Well, I think you're a racist," Zain said. Loads of people agreed. I was still dying with laughter.

"How can it be racist? I'm showing everyone that brown is beautiful," Hayley shouted. 

"Are you though? Are you really?" Alya asked her. Miss Keane and Mr Shah ran over. 

"Oh Hayley," Miss Keane sighed.

"Miss it's not what you think?" Missy said.

"Unless you thought she was a dip shit," I laughed.

"She were just trying to be a good mate, that's all," Razia told them.

"Miss Carter's office now!" Mr Shah told her.

"Sir she was trying to help her friend but she didn't think it out that's all," I explained.

"Stop sticking up for your girlfriend and go to class," Mr Shah told me. Girlfriend?!? Everyone was laughing.

"SWEET HOME ALABAMA," I yelled and everyone laughed. Mr Shah's face was priceless.

"She..." he started to say.

"Is my sister, yeah," I said to him. He walked off with Hayley.

"Hayley and Jay sitting in a tree," some guy sang.

"That is incest so don't come for me," I sang back. Everyone was laughing.

"We won't cum for you but you will for Hayley," some guy said. I laughed along with everyone else.

"Alright all of you back to lesson," Miss Keane told us. I walked off but I could here Candice and Alya arguing. 

Aaron had been called in for a meeting with Mr Shah. Me and Missy had to wait outside. I was still laughing. I mean seriously. What was she thinking? They came out.

"Sorted," Aaron told us. I saw Hayley again and immediately started laughing.

"See just a misunderstanding," Missy told Mr Shah.

"I'm not sure I agree. This kind of behaviour isn't on. And in the absence of your mother, I've no choice but to speak to social services," Mr Shah told us. 

"But sir..." Missy said.

"Hayley, you'll be spending the rest of the day in isolation. Off you go," he said.

"You could tell them but it would be a waste of time," I explained.

"Waste of time, sir," he corrected.

"How many times? You don't need to call me sir," I told him. The other three tried not to laugh.

"Do you want to join her?" Mr Shah asked me.

"Already am in isolation," I told him.

"Isolation sir," he corrected again.

"There you go again," I said. I followed Hayley down to isolation. 

~at lunch~

I had walked out of isolation to go get some lunch. Down the corridor I saw Mr Shah. There was some year 7 next to me holding a football.

"Oi give us that," I told her. She handed it over to me and I booted it at Mr Shah. It hit him right in the middle of his back. He spun around and everyone was laughing. I acted like nothing had happened. 

"JAY BOOTH!" he yelled.

"Yes sir?"

"Was that you?" he asked.

"No sir," I told him. Mr Shah turned to some kid.

"Did he do it?" he asked them. I was shaking my head.

"No sir," he said. I mouthed thank you to him.

"Fine," Mr Shah said as he walked off with the football.

"Oi I want my football back," the year 7 said.

"I will get it for you," I told her.

~after school~

I snuck into the staff room. I could see the football and I went and grabbed it. All of a sudden all the teachers came in. Shit! I ducked down behind a shelf. Mr Shah began waffling on about some strategy thing. Miss Carter came in and she didn't look happy. They carried on discussing the study skills lessons and stuff. Mr Shah kept interrupting.

"Erm, hang on a minute. I'm a big fan of democracy but that's not what this school is. I am still the head teacher- I set the education policy," Miss Carter told him. Teacher beef in progress.

"Yeah but if you're not around to see that policy in action...? Now I appreciate that things at home are difficult. Absences can't always be avoided," Mr Shah said. I was shocked. No way had he said that! I couldn't help but laugh. I moved slightly and bashed into the shelf. Some books fell off. Shit! Miss Keane cam around the corner.

"Jay?" she asked. I got up, grabbed the football and ran out.

"Jay Booth! I knew it was you," Mr Shah yelled after me but I was already gone. I ran all the way home.

"Where've you been?" Missy asked.

"Out," I replied.

"You're still grounded," she told me. 

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" I asked. She ignored me. Aaron wasn't home and he didn't come back all night. 

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