The Ultimate Clash Part Two

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"What is that?" Jamie asked. "Raps, there's something I need to tell you" Cassandra said, she needed to tell the crew that Pitch had a partner, and they were working with someone. "Cass, can it wait?" Rapunzel asked, she knew Cassandra had something to say but she wanted to get rid of that...thing first. The monster then shifted his hands and tried to shove the team away. "Everyone, move!" Merida shouted, the team got down, so instead of hitting them, the Monster hit Kristoff, Olaf, Mattias, the teens, Cassandra, Eugene, and Moana's parents, knock them out, on the floor.

The monster looked around to see who to go after next, it looked around, but it sensed the most anger in the white hair girl. It's hand turned to Elsa, but she shot gazillions of icicles at the hands that kept just going through him, it then shoved her away, but she used her powers to make sure she landed on her feet. "Whatever that thing is, hit it!" Jack hollered as he tried to blast him, but it still went right through him, it then punched him hard making him hit the wall.

The team tried to hit the...thing, but it was no use, it just went right through it. Merida jumped up to try and stab it, but it just hit her. Merida slowly tried to get up, but the Monster reached out his hands. The Monster tried to get her suddenly, glowing hair was rapped around his arm that pulled him down. "I don't know what you are, but ya wanna tell us how we stop you?" Rapunzel said, but the Monster untangled the hair, and hurled her, but she whipped her hair on the Cage to make she landed safely.

Anna used her powers to lift herself off the ground and up enough to strike it, but it didn't stop it and it snatched her tossed, but she landed carefully. She then thought of an idea, she then focused all her energy and power on one thing. Her hands started to glow brighter than the monsters eyes, she then blast the thing with her highest, hottest levels of fire that she could do, and that actually hurt it, knocking it back. "Ha! Take that!" Anna cheered, but that didn't stop it. The Monster slowly got up, and tried to crush the Fire Queen, but luckily Anna created a fire force field that knocked it back, but it still didn't stop him.

"Moana, water me" Maui shouted. Moana created a water trail up to the monsters head. Maui jumped into the trail, but not before shape shifting into a little bug. When he got close enough, he shape-shifted back into his true form and tried bashed him, but the Beast grabbed his Hook and hurled him into a running Jack. "Okay, my turn" Moana said, she then turned the water trail into a giant fist and punched the monster. The demon decided to return the favor and decided to punch her back. "Well, that didn't work" Moana groaned.

"Our turn" Hiccup said as he hoped on Toothless and they flew to the roof. "Wait for it..." Hiccup started, he wanted to wait until the time was perfect. "Now!" Hiccup shouted. After hearing his cue, Toothless dived at great speed and then fires a precise and extremely explosive forms of fire at the behemoth, but it still didn't put a end to them. They needed a plan but until they could think of one, Toothless kept flying around the beast firing different structures of tremendously explosive fire. After trying to block the fire, the thing decided to cut it short, and hit Toothless, making Hiccup fall off.

"Time for this nightmare to end" Jack said, he tried again to fire a blast of lightning ice towards his enemy, but it reversed, his power back at him. Jack wasn't giving up, he got back up and tried again, but this time the beast absorbed the blast before blasting Jack. The beast was about to grab Jack, but it just...stopped. Like something shocked it, the monster then fell with a Frying Pan holding Cassandra on it back. "Frying Pans, who knew" Cassandra joked, she then jumped off and trapped him in a black rock cage.

"Okay, what now?" Elsa asked. "Elsa's right, he won't stay in there forever" Rapunzel said. "Well, we already tried hitting him, but that didn't work" Hiccup said. "No lad, we tried hitting him alone" Merida stated. "And you point is, red head" Maui asked, just then Merida shot a Arrow that was a inch away from Maui's head warning him it was a warning shot telling him never to call her a red head. "I think I see where Merida's going with this" Moana said. "If we all combine our powers and hit that thing at the same time, maybe we can defeat him" Anna joined in. "Well, what are we waiting for" Jack joked.

The Guardians stood in front of the Monster who was still in the Cage, Rapunzel then gave Cassandra a reassuring nod, then she led the Cage down. As soon as the Cage went down, they attacked, Rapunzel hair's energy blast, Jack's lightning ice, Anna's fire plasma, Elsa's full icy powers, Merida's Bow and Arrows, Toothless plasma blast, Moana's new water powers, and Cassandra's black rocks were too much for the Monster, they just kept firing.

As they continued, a bright white light formed, causing a big sonic boom knocking everyone back, when the team came too, the Monster was gone. The teens, Eugene, Moana's parents Kristoff, Olaf, and Mattias finally woke up. Kristoff!" Anna cried as she gave him the biggest hug with a kiss. "We did it!" the teenagers cheered as they gave Jamie a big hug. "Oh Moana" her mothers smiled as a tear of happiness flowed down her eye. "You did it, Sunshine" Eugene smiled as she happily embraced Rapunzel and Cassandra, then something crossed Rapunzel's mind.

"Cassandra, didn't you say you have something to tell us?" Rapunzel asked. "Right, it's Pitch"" Cassandra started. "He's has a panther, and there working with someone." "So this wasn't the last we've seen of Pitch" Anna said. "Well, we can worry about that later, let's get back to the pole" Elsa said, then Anna took a snow globe out her her brown back, which made everyone give her a strange look.

"What? I snatched some before we left the Pole."

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