The Cave

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The team entered the cave to hear Pitch's voice once again.

"Welcome to my lair, but trust me, you won't get that far, but let's see how much you can do" his laugh echoed throughout the Cave.  "Okay, let's go" Moana started to walk. "There's the door!" Monty pointed at the bright flash a long way from them. "Come on," Rapunzel said as her hair glew brighter.

In the hole which led to the second part of the cave was blocked by a Swarm of Black Sand. "What do we do?" Claude asked. "I got this" Jack smirked, he then fired a blast of lightning ice that froze the swarm of Sand, dropping to the ground, breaking the ice form of the sand. "Cool, get it?  I'm funny" Anna giggled as they continued their quest for their friends.

The crew arrived at the edge of the Island and looked at the other side that was too far to jump across. "Now how are we supposed to get across?" Merida groaned. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm flying, maybe I can find something over there" Maui smirked, he then turned into a Hawk and flew to the other Island. He then called out that there was nothing there that could help them get over.

"I have a way," Elsa said. She then raised her glowing hands in the air, forming a bridge of Ice from the Ocean for them to walk across. "Does anyone else have powers we should know about?" Monty asked. "Your find out on the way" Hiccup joked as they made to there way to the door that led to the next part of the Cave.

They entered the next part of the Cave, but then the ground started to shake. A wave of enormous Nightmares charged their way, it was again, time to fight.

It wasn't looking so hot for the team, they just kept coming. "Anna, do that thing you did last time" Hiccup shouted. "But, I don't know how to control it" Anna shouted as she blasted a Nightmare. "Anna, you have to, you can do it," Elsa said, using her powers to hold back a few Nightmares. Anna then concentrated hard to do it again, her eyes then flashed the now-familiar shade of purple, she then again envelop her body with fiery plasma without harm to herself. This time, it did cause a sonic boom, but she stayed in her fire form and attacked.

Elsa then stared at her hand, then looked at Jack's Staff, and thought of an idea. She then told her plan to Jack, and he smirked. "Let's do it, Snowflake, ha, I can think of a bunch of nicknames" he held up his Staff for her to grab. As she grabbed the Staff her hands started to glow. "They then slammed the Staff on the ground, causing a massive Ice wave that destroyed the Nightmares.

"Guys, look" the teens pointed at the wall, and a Snowflake formed on it. Just then, the ground started to shake, and a large purple Crab with a golden Shell covered with gold treasure emerged from the Cave.

"Well, Maui, we meet again" the Crab laughed. "Who's that?" Rapunzel asked. "Tamatoa" Maui growled. "Murderous Crab, tried to eat he and Moana once, what are you doing here?" "This man in black wanted me to lead through there" he explained as he pointed toward the Snowflake, but then eyed two objects. "But, since I'm here, might as well take this" Tamatoa grabbed Hiccup's Sword, Jack's Staff, and skittered through the magical Snowflake on the wall.


"That's ours!"

Rapunzel walked closer to the Snowflake, and put her hand through it, the closer she got to it, the brighter her hair glew. "It must be a Portal that will lead us to Pitch," Rapunzel said, but before we could continue, Jack and Hiccup raced into the Forest, desperate to get their stuff back. "Well, I guess we're going," Rapunzel said as the rest followed the boys.

The Snowflake led them to a long, dark, narrow, hallway with a bright light outside.  "What's over there?" Caleb asked, worried about what lies ahead of their journey.  "Well, hopefully, Hiccups swords and my Staff," Jack said as he ran toward the light.  "Guess we're really going into the light, huh" Rapunzel joked as they ran.

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