The Villain

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North burst the door wide opened that led ti the North Pole Stables. "Boys, get the you-know-what out" he told the Yetis talking over Rapunzel, who was freaking, if Pitch Black was in Corona, she had to get there ASAP. "Come on North, isn't there some faster way we can get there, if Pitch is in Corona, my family and people are in serious danger" she freaked out, imaging the things Pitch would do do her family. "Rapunzel trust me" North said "this is the fastest way, Tooth, give Merida the thing."

Tooth flew over to Merida and gave her a snow globe. "This is a like a gateway back to your Kingdom, but only your family can go, we still need Merida" Merida was okay with it, but her parents refused. "NO" Elinor demanded. "I am not going home with out my daughter. Tooth was about to talk to her, but Merida thought she could reason with her.

"Mum, please go, I'll be fine here, I promise" she said. It took her a while to think it over, but then Elinor nodded. Tooth smashed the snow globe on the floor which created a portal, Merida gave her mom and dad a kiss before they walked through the portal, but before her brothers walked through, she whispered something to them, then gave them a bear hug, then the boys left.

"So, how are we getting there?" Moana asked, she knew Hiccup would fly on their dragon, and Tooth had wings, but what transportation would they use. "We, Moana, are going on this" North said, The yetis and Elves opened the doors and brought out the one, the only, the famous Santa Clause sleigh. "COOL" Anna yelped as the jumped into the Sleigh with the rest of the girls and Guardians behind her. "Everyone loves the sleigh! ... Bunny! What are you waiting for?" Bunny looked frightened at the Sleigh, not wanting to get on.

"I think my tunnels might be faster, mate and, um, and safer" Bunny was about to walk off, but North grabbed him by his scruff and pulled him into the Sleigh. "Get in, let's go" North yelled, he cracks the reins which made the Reindeer's start to run.

The Sleigh had left the North pole, and was into the sky. Anna looked around, Moana was talking to Maui, Merida was carving her bow, Hiccup was flying on Toothless, Cassandra and Eugene were arguing, Elsa and Jack were talking, but Rapunzel was just on the edge braiding her new 70 feet of long blonde magical hair, but something was wrong, she was upset, Anna decided to talk to her.

"Hey" Anna said, but when Rapunzel looked up, she looked so sad, tears were falling down from her eyes. "You know, what always makes me feel better when my family is in danger is talking about them" she hoped that she could get through to Rapunzel, she knew what she was feeling, she felt the same way when Elsa ran away to the Mountains, thinking what would happen to her, what would she do without her, she knew what Rapunzel was going through, and she was there for her.

"Well, Corona is the place I love more than anything, everyone I care about is there, my mom, my dad, Varian, Kiera, Catalina, Lance, even Monty, and we don't like each other, I just want them to be safe" Rapunzel started to break down and cry as Anna hugged her. "North, get us to Corona now" Anna said. "Don't worry, Anna, I say Corona" North whispered into the Snow Globe. He tossed it in front of them to create a portal, then he cracked the reins which made the Reindeer's go faster into the magical gateway that led to Corona. As the portal closed, and they entered Corona, they saw the weirdest thing, that even made a fire breathing Dragon a little scared. "What are those Black things coming toward us?" Hiccup asked.


The black things that were coming toward them were actually black nightmare horses. They attacked the guardians trying to get them out of the Kingdom. "You all have powers, use em!" North screamed. Maui shapeshifted into a Hawk and help Tooth fly through the Nightmares, Elsa and Jack used their powers to freeze the Nightmares, Merida used her bow and arrow to shoot the nightmares, Cassandra was able to bring black rocks just high enough to hit the horses, Hiccup had Toothless fireballs, and Rapunzel was able to hit them with her hair, but this time, one Nightmare caught it and tried to pull her off the Sleigh. "NO" Anna screamed as the Horse pulled Rapunzel, Anna had to do something.

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