The Reward

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The portal had led the gang to part of the Enchanted Forest where the forest ends and the sea begins, only the sea was frozen over.  "Elsa, what are we doing here?" Anna asked, she didn't  want to be near Elsa, especially after that wild magic thing. 

"Anna, I don't know how you got your powers, but I know who might, and she's in there" Elsa pointed at the island of ice, Anna wasn't sure, but she needed to know where she got her powers.  Anna took one step on the frozen water, but her powers were too strong they melted the entire sea.  "Okay, how are we supposed to get there now?" Merida asked, Hiccup was about to sat another plan, but Maui covered his mouth.  "There's an easier way, Moana" the demigod winked at his partner as she approached the Ocean.  

As Moana made her way to the Ocean, it formed a tentacle-like appendage, the crew stared in awe as the water particles only looked at Moana.  "Let us get to Ahtohallan" Moana said.  The ocean parted all the way to the frozen island for the crew.  "How did you do that, lass?" Merida asked, but Moana smiled.  "Let's just say...I have a special connect with the Ocean" Moana started to walk as Maui chuckling behind her.

The crew were amazed as the approached the islands.  "Anna, come with me, everyone else, stay out here, Pitch might figure out where we are" Elsa grabbed Anna's arm as the entered the frozen island, Jack tried to sneak in, but Moana grabbed him by his hoodie and pulled him back.

Elsa  and Anna had made it towards the last room in Ahtohallan, and on the ground, the symbol of the five spirits appeared on the ground, and as it glowed, the middle symbol stayed dark.  Elsa stepped  on the middle symbol expecting it to glow, but something happened, only half of it glowed.  "What happened?" Anna asked.  It took Elsa a minute, but she found out why it didn't work, she was  the only one who stepped on it.  Elsa grabbed Anna's arm and pull her onto the symbol, and she was right.  As Anna steeped on the symbol, it glowed, and the memories filled the walls.

"Whoa" Anna looked around at all the memories, her and Elsa as children, them in her castle, the forest, all there adventures.  What do these have to do with my powers?" Anna asked, but Elsa only smiled and looked behind her. 

"I see you brought your sister, Elsa"

Anna turns around and is shocked at what she sees, her mother on the frozen wall talking to them, Anna falls on her knees and starts to cry, she couldn't believe she could see her mother.  " is this happening?"  Anna tried to get her words out, but she couldn't stop crying.  Elsa confronts her sister as Iduna smiled.

"Anna, it was mother!  She was the one who was calling me here" Elsa explained as she pulled Anna to her feet.  Anna's eyes widened at the news.  

"Elsa, why have you brought Anna here?" Iduna asked.  Anna stepped up and opened her hand, fire popping out of it.  "Ah, it has finally arrived" Iduna smiled, the girls stood there confused.  "What do you mean?" Anna asked, her powers were expected? How?

"Anna, Elsa may have saved Arendelle, but she couldn't have if it wasn't for you" Iduna explained.  "You destroyed the Dam, knowing it would flood Arendelle, you risked the Kingdoms future to save the Forest, not to mention you other brave actions, like saving Rapunzel, or putting Elsa's life before yours, and like Elsa, the spirits rewarded your good deed with your fire powers, you are the second embodiment of the fire spirit."

Anna smiled at the news, she couldn't believe her new powers were a reward, but before she could respond, she heard Jack's voice. 


"Anna we got to go" Elsa said, but there mother had one more thing to say.  "Wait, girls, there's one more thing" she started.  "When you join hands, you will create a very powerful energy blast that will knock out anyone, but you must learn how to control it, or that threat outside will use it to his advantage."

The girls nodded as they ran out of the cave to help there friends.

Anna, and Elsa came to see that Pitch was alone, no shadow figures to help him.  "Ah, the girls, just in time" Pitch chuckled as he used his powers to trap everyone in a black cage.  The gang tried to break the cages, but couldn't.  Pitch made his way towards Anna's cage. 

"Anna, I tried to give you a choice, but now I see I will have to force you" Pitch used his magic to darken Anna's cage.  After a while the cage vanishes,  but the gang was shocked at what they saw. 

Anna emerged from the smoke, but different.  Anna's former turquoise-blue eyes is now a dark purple, with a black streak in her dark hair, but her clothes were still the same.  "My partner" Pitch smiled.  "Anna, what happened?" Elsa couldn't believe what she saw, that couldn't be her little sister.

"It's Pitch" Jack explained.  "He's using her fear and anger against her, he clouded her mind with her anger, we need to find a way to  fill her mind with happiness and love."

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