The Children

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The crew returned to the Pole to see the Guardians relieved that they found Anna, and they filled them in on what happened.  "Well, looks like Anna needs this now more than ever" North reached in his pocket and took out a dragon necklace that glowed.  "Anna, this necklace will help you control your powers, like Jack's staff" North handed the necklace to Anna.

"Did Pitch say anything else, give any signs for what he's doing next?" Tooth asked, but no, Pitch didn't say anything.  "Well, maybe since he wants to be believed in, maybe he'll go after the children" Rapunzel suggested.  "Maybe" Jack started, "but he did that last time, he might think we'll expect that."

Just then, a puff of black smoke appeared on the globe, and Pitch emerged from it.  "Ah, I see Anna's back to normal, how great"  he said.  The guardians were ready to fight, but Pitch had other plans.  "But now she will join me or else" Pitch snapped his fingers, and a blonde man and snowman appeared tided up.

"Kristoff, Olaf"

Anna ran to her husband and friend, who were confused, where were they?  How did they get here?  How did Anna and Elsa get here?  "Yes" Pitch chuckled.  "Anna, if you want to keep them safe, you'll join me."

Anna was torn.  She knew joining Pitch is the wrong thing to do, but she wanted to save Kristoff and Olaf.  She looked at the group, but the girls gave her a nod.  Rapunzel slowly un-braided her hair, Merida got her bow and arrow, Elsa hands started to glow, Moana got out her Oar, and Cassandra's Moonstone started to glow.

"Okay, I'll join you" Anna smiled as she gave the guardians a wink.  "That's a good pet, let's go" Pitch freed Kristoff and Olaf, but as he was about to teleport out of there, Anna blasted him off the globe.

"Poor choice, your majesty" Pitch try to his snap, but his hands got tangled in Rapunzel's hair.  She then pulled his close enough for Moana to send him flying with her Oar, and Elsa freezing him in mid-air.  Once he hit the and the ice broke, Cassandra trapped him in a cage of black rocks.  The girls celebrated their victory but Anna stayed in with Kristoff and Olaf, who had a lot of questions.  "Who was he? Where  are we?  Do you have powers?  How did you get powers?  How did you and Elsa get here?"  Kristoff was about to go on, but Anna told him he'll answer all questions later.

"Aw, husband and wife, how lovely"

Pitch had teleported outside the cage.  "Aw, don't worry, you can keep your friends... for now."  "Leave" Jack raised his staff toward Pitch ready to fire, but Pitch had more  tricks.  "Okay, I'll leave, but you should watch that special kid, you never when the day will come that through his were only a dream" Pitch chuckled and vanished into thin air.

"Anna, what's going on? Kristoff asked. "It's a long story" Elsa walked up to her friends and started to explain

Meanwhile, Jack was puzzled. What did Pitch mean special kid?  What kid was special?  But then it hit him.

"Jamie" Jack yelped.  "He's going after Jamie."  It made since.  Jamie was special because he was the child who believed in all the guardians, the one who brought Sandy back to life, the first child to stand up to Pitch, they had to get to before Pitch did. "You guys go, we'll stay here in case Pitch comes back" North said as he tossed a snowglobe to Jack

The crew had arrived outside Jamie's window, who was sleeping.  Jamie was now 13, a teenager, he hadn't seen the guardians much anymore, part of him was still saying they exist, but another part was telling him it was all a dream and to grow up, but still, Jacks words replayed in his mind.

"We'll always be there Jamie. Now we'll always be here.  which kinda makes you a guardian too."

"This the Jamie?"  Hiccup asked.  "I was expecting a child."  "Soo...what now?" Eugene asked, do they just watch him while he sleeps, like a stalker?  "I guess we just stay here until Pitch comes" Jack said, probably the best option.  "Yeah, I don't think so" Merida started.  "Our best option is for half of us to stay here and the other half to look for Pitch"  it wasn't long before the arguing started.  Should they all stay, or should some of them go after Pitch, it was Jack and Eugene vs Merida and Cassandra, the rest tried to tell them to keep it down before Jamie woke up, but it was too late.


The crew looked to see the teenage boy awake, confused. "Jack, what's going on? Who are they?" Jamie asked. "hey Jamie" Jack said "we gotta to get you out of here before Pitch comes" but Jack's words took Jamie off guard. "What, do you mean Pitch, he's back? How? Why's he after me?" Jamie wanted to go on, but Jack grabbed his arm and jumped out the window, with the rest of the group behind him.

"Wait, let me get this straight" Jamie started. "They were all chosen to help you guys defeat Pitch because after 3 years he's returned?" Jack only nodded, but they stopped running, there were on the rooftop the highest building in the city, they didn't know where to go now, taking him back to the Pole might be too risky. "Okay, but why is he after me?" Jamie asked. Jack was about to answer, but 6 shadows appeared in front of them.

"Thank you for doing the hard work for us" Pitch smiled. Jack told Jamie to get behind him. "Stay away from him" Jack said raising his staff at Pitch. Not without a fight" Pitch said, suddenly, nightmare horses jump out of no where, the crew was surrounded. Pitch walked up to them and only said one word.


The nightmares charged toward the crew trying to get Jamie, but the guardians refused to let them, it was time to fight.

The fight was taking a while, looked like no one was giving up, Jack vs Pitch, Anna and Elsa vs Hans, Rapunzel, Cassandra and Eugene vs Mother Gothel, Moana and Maui vs Te Ka, and Hiccup vs Drago, but Jamie was helpful too, he was able to turn nightmares into dreams.

"ENOUGH!!" Pitch snapped. "This is not what I came here for, now hand over the child" Pitch teleported behind Jamie and held him by the back of his neck. "Jamie!" Jack yelped, but Pitch blasted him before he could get the chance to say anything.  "Jack, help!"  Jamie yelled trying to break free of Pitch's grip

"Let him go, Pitch"

Elsa walked in front of the gang and toward Pitch shielding herself from any attacks. "Your, majesty, you may be used to ordering people around but no more" Pitch chuckled. Anna looked at Jack and gave him signals of a plan. Jack smirked a jumped off the building. "Jack's giving up I see, he was always nothing, now if your excuse us..." Pitch was about to snap out of there, but Jack had rose from the ground, and grabbed Jamie. "I see we have to do this the hard way" Pitch was ready to fight again, but was again interrupted


Anna walked up next to her sister. "You know what they say Pitch" Anna smirked. "The most powerful magic is a sibling bond" Anna grabbed her sister hand. Suddenly, the wind started to pick up, snowflakes and fire formed around there hands, as they became covered by purple and blue smoke. "What's happening" Pitch was trying to stay on the ground, but the magic was too powerful.

"The power of two sisters"

Elsa and Anna ran toward Pitch and punched him, creating a massive explosion the send him flying. "Anna, how did you know we could do that?" Elsa asked, but Anna only shrugged. I" don't know, it just came to me, ya know" Anna winked as she walked toward the rest the group, with a chuckling Elsa behind her.

"Well, I don't think it's safe to take Jamie home just yet, at least not until we stop Pitch" Rapunzel said, and the rest agreed. If they took Jamie back to his room, Pitch will just go after him again. "Well, where am I gonna go?" Jamie asked, and what about his parents? And Sophie?

"I have an idea" Elsa said, she reached into Jack's pocket and got a snowglobe, leaving both of them smiling. Elsa whispered into the snow globe, and tossed it on the ground, opening a portal. "Come on, guys" Elsa said as she walked through the portal. Jack was about to through after the others, but Hiccup said something that caught his attention.

"I'm not sure if you notices, but ever since Elsa reached in your pocket, you haven't stopped smiling or blushing" Hiccup whispered. "So, what does that supposed to mean?" Jack asked sounding offended. "Ha, other than you like Elsa more than anything, nothing" Hiccup laughed, walking into the portal, with a confused Jack behind him. "What?" Jack asked. Did he really like Elsa? Is that why he couldn't stop smiling or blushing? Did Elsa really mean something to him? Maybe, just maybe.

In the forest, not far from the city, Pitch and the other shadows watched the crew go through the portal. "Huh, let's see where there going, shall we?" Pitch was able to turn into Jack's shadow as he went through the portal.

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