I knit my eyebrows and follow her up the stairs. "What's wrong?"

"My parents are gone for 2 weeks." She chuckles bitterly.

"So you're here by yourself? For 2 weeks?"

"Yes but I'm use to it and I usually invite someone over for the night." Lisa answers opening a door to a huge bedroom. I know what she means, I mean I don't live under a rock. Everybody knows that Lisa sleeps with whoever she wants but mainly it's Nancy, or that's what the rumors say. "By the way I invite Jisoo to sleepover so quit thinking so hard."

Rolling my eyes, I take a seat on her king size bed and look around. There's trophies everywhere and everything basketball. "You want to go to SM University?"

Lisa turns her head to the poster I'm pointing at and nods. "My dad does and whatever he wants he gets."

"But do you want to go there?"

She shrugs. "Not really I've always liked YG University, but that's not going to happen."

"Well you could-"

"Let's get to tutoring since that's what we came here for." She interrupts throwing our book bags on bed. Another thing about Lisa is that she never opens up, I don't think even her best friend Jisoo knows a lot about her, but I could be wrong.

**2 hours later**

It's 8:30 and we're finally finished. Lisa understood the quadratic formula even though it took about an hour studying over that but it's progress. Her next test isn't until next Tuesday so we have a couple of days to prepare.

"Alright So tomorrow I'm making a practice test for you to take since your test is in 4 days. I'll grade it and whatever you miss we will just focus on those lessons." I tell her putting my book bag in her car since she's taking me home.

"Yes Miss Kim." Lisa answers sarcastically.

"Why do you call me Kim? Why not my actual name?" I ask putting my seatbelt on.

"Well kim is your actual name technically."

I roll my eyes and turn to face her in my seat. "I mean call me Jennie you ass."

"Mmmmm nope." She says shaking her head.

"Mmmm yes because I don't like you calling me Kim." I tell her punching her arm for the second time today.

"Hey what's with all the violence. First you pushed me and now you've punched me in the arm!" Lisa whines faking like she's hurt.

"Ohhh no don't even start talking about violence." I scold her crossing my arms and facing the front.

"Aw come on don't pout. I apologized okay? I'm sorry, now tell me the directions to your house?"

After a 15 minutes ride she pulls up to the front of my house and puts the car in park. I start to get out but Lisa grabs my wrist making me sit back in my seat.

"Did you really lose Nayeon because of me?" She asks kind of upset?

I take a deep breath and nod. "Yeah I told her at lunch today about me tutoring you and she flipped out. She hasn't talked to me since then and I think I've lost her."

It's quiet for a minute until Lisa speaks up. "Look you don't have to tutor me, I can find someone else. It's just your the smartest person in our class and my coach thought you'd be a great fit but I can find someone else don't worry about it."

"No I said I will help you get your grades up so you can play and that's what I'm going to do." I tell her earning a hopeful smile from the girl. "But we have to make a deal."

"Okay? And what might that be?" She asks skeptically.

"For you to leave Nayeon alone. If you want me to tutor you that bad and you're serious about playing basketball then you have to leave her alone."

Lisa scoffs and shakes her head. "No no way."

"Why what has she ever done to you?" I ask calmly not wanting to make the taller girl mad.

"None of your business Kim." Lisa says coldly, and here she goes. The sweet gentle girl I witnessed at her house is gone and replaced by this cold hearted one.

"Fine then I guess we're done." I mumble getting out of her car and marching to my house eventually slamming the front door. Seconds later I hear tires screeching down the street eventually disappearing.

"Jennie why so agitated?" My mom asks noticing how tense I was.

"Nothing I'm going to bed. Good night mom." I kiss her cheek and go to my room.

Immediately I spot my 3 year old sister sprawled out on the right side of my bed. One thing I love about our relationship even though she's 3, she always makes me feel better. No matter how big or small my problems are she always makes my days better, even if she doesn't know.

I quickly but quietly change into my pajamas and get into bed behind yeji, pulling her into me. "Good night nini." She whispers grabbing my right hand that's resting on her small frame and kissing it.

"Good night yeji." I kiss her cheek before letting sleep consume me.

Lisa's P.O.V.

I pull next to Nancy's house and snuck close to her bedroom window, lightly knocking on it.

2 minutes later Nancy opens the curtains getting startled since I gave her no warning I was coming over.

"What the fuck Lisa, little warning next time." She whisper yells while helping me into her room.

"Shut up." I tell her before claiming her lips.

She kisses back for a minute before shoving me away. "Stop Lisa."

"I know you want this as much as I do." I whisper kissing her neck.

"I'm serious! Subin and I are back together." Nancy hisses shoving me back harder this time.

"So he doesn't have to know." I try to convince her but it doesn't work.

"No I'm not going to cheat on him. I think you should leave."

I giggle bitterly. "Whatever you weren't that good of a lay anyway."

"Oh fuck you." Nancy says getting more and more angry.

I climb out of her window and turn around smiling. "You already did babe."

With that I walk off hearing her slam her window. I get back in my car and look at the time 10 p.m. Well Camila is pissed at me and now Nancy won't sleep with me, eh oh well.

Tonight though I found it hard to fall asleep knowing a certain cat-eyes is mad at me and possibly lost her best friend...because of me.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I shouldn't care...but I do.

End of Chapter

A/N: Sorry if there's wrong spelling or grammar.

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