Fei Qianchi looked at the man. No one knew his pain... only this man, only this voice continued to reach out to him. No one knew about the nightmares he still faced after his mother's death, the reoccurring images of his dead mother that still haunted him. No one knew how much he suffered under Madam Fei's hand, no one knew the ridicules he faced, the humiliations he had gone through.

As words spread about how he had killed his family as a child, everyone slowly alienated from Fei Qianchi. Discovering that he was not a just person, everyone began to ridicule and speak of him behind his back.

He was already stranded. No one was here to save him. Even those in the same sect as him did not want to be too close to him.

Fei Qianchi felt a cold feeling rush over him, a delightful feeling. Looking at the man, his lips suddenly lifted, turning into a smirk. The image was shocking. Fei Qianchi had never shown such an expression before in his life. Even when troubled, the man still smiled lightly. Yet now, he smirked. The wisp of dark energy gradually turned darker.

Opposite of him, the man's smile got even bigger. "Follow me for a bit. Let me walk you through a piece of hidden history that Fushui Sect has hidden. After this, you will understand that even righteous cultivators are selfish, they are as evil as demonic cultivators, the beings that they hate."

Fei Qianchi smirked, his black eyes were cold. He slowly stuck out his hand, letting the man grasp onto him.

The man smiled. And then, a dark energy covered their bodies. As it disappeared, they were gone.

Fei Qianchi opened his eyes. He looked around. His eyes were cold.

The man smiled. "I've been by your side for so long, but I've never told you my name. I am Ran Mengyu,"

Fei Qianchi looked at the mountain. "Where are we?" His voice was hoarse.

Ran Mengyu smiled, his yellow eyes looking around. "I'm letting you take a look at how Fushui Sect was formed." Then, he stopped. Laughing, he corrected, "No, I'm letting you take a look at who was sacrificed to create Fushui Sect."

Hearing this, Fei Qianchi made no reaction. It was like the man couldn't even hear these words. He merely looked onward with a cold face.

"Follow me. We will be passing by a few different souls first." Ran Mengyu added. They walked through the mountain, climbing up the steep mountain that seemed to continue on forever.

Fei Qianchi walked with calm steps. There was a long stone staircase that ascended up the mountain. Walking by, there were some people latched onto the stairs, as if they couldn't carry on the journey anymore.

As Fei Qianchi took a glance backwards, he saw that they had already walked a long way.

They encountered more people. Some were chained, others were haggard. Many were unable to continue walking, crawling as they tried to climb up the stairs on the mountain.

Fei Qianchi furrowed his brows but he didn't say anything as they passed by these people.

"These are lost souls. They are unable to climb these stairs because a part of them still lingers in the mortal realm. Whether it be because of hatred or a deep yearning, if it is unsettled, they are unable to ascend this mountain." Ran Mengyu explained, not looking back.

Fei Qianchi made no expression. He continued walking up the stairs. Clenching his hand by his side, his terrible mood was now settled, having calmed as he stepped up the stairs. From behind him, hundreds and hundreds of people were still trying to climb the stairs.

Finally, they arrived. At the very top of the mountain, there was a pavilion situated. There was a gateway, blocked by two soldiers adorned in a golden armor, holding a long white spear in their hands.

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