I Want To Be Your Obsession [Sai] for Mearii-chan

Start from the beginning

When the siblings met up they sighed heavily, not looking forward to what they had planned after school. Sluggishly, the three pulled themselves towards their lockers. "What are we going to do?" Kankuro groaned. "We're running out of time and options. I swear if I have to sit through another casting call I'm going to claw my eyes out."

"I'm with Kankuro on this one," Gaara said. "But this still does not help our situation."

Temari sighed, head leaning against the lockers behind her. "Do we seriously need a main vocalist? I mean, we've been fine enough as it is."

"Yes, if we want to move to the next level we need a singer," the older of the two brothers said. "And not keep switching them out every few months. If we ever hope to break into the business we have to figure out something, now. Otherwise father will make us go get a degree in something we have no interest in. And you should be the most concerned about this, Temari. You're graduating in a few months."

"And half of that fault is yours, you know. If you didn't date or sleep with the actual decent talent we did find we wouldn't be in this mess."

"We're running out of options," Gaara broke in. Grumbling under her breath, the sister looked away. Her attention was drawn further down the hall, watching as students moved about. But she was interested in one person in particular. "Temari?"

A grin spread across her lips. "I'll see you guys later."

"Where are you going?" Kankruo called after her. "You've got that look on your face and I don't like it!"

"I have a plan!"

The brothers watched her vanish. "This ought to be good..."


Cora yelped when she found Temari waiting for her to close the locker door with a grin on her face. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." The older teen held out a hand. "I'm Temari, senior."

Timidly, the girl returned the gesture. "Cora, junior."

"I wonder if I might trouble you with something..." She noticed the books in Cora's arms. "Are you good with science?"


The senior grinned widely. "I wonder if I could propose a deal?"


"You did what?" Kankuro exclaimed.

"I canceled all of our auditions," Temari stated.

"Are you crazy? What were we just talking about? You just said we were running out of time and now you decide to do exactly the opposite of what could've helped us?"

"I already found us a singer."

"Oh, well, that's just great," the older brother threw up his hands, slumping back in the chair. "Do tell us who you've found. I knew I didn't like that look."

"Her name is Cora. She's in your grade and is in the choir class."

"I thought you didn't like choir girls because they were too... similar," Gaara said.

"This one is different. I heard her solo during classes."

"Meaning you were skipping," Kankuro teased.

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