Akatsuki's Angel [Deidara] for Tsukiyomi Uchiha

Start from the beginning

"Whatever you say. Now go and bother someone else. I'm busy."

Sighing again the girl dragged herself off the mattress, shutting the door behind her. A spar could be heard further inside the hideout, moving through the halls. The ninja came up on the training room, watching Itachi and Deidara face off. However, something flickered off to the side, Tsukiyomi's eyes landing on it.

"Katsu!" The clay exploded, destroying the clone. Yet the ninja was expecting it, blocking the older teen; who came in from the right. There was a commotion from behind and the Uchiha's body disappeared, startling the terrorist before turning.

"That's not nice, Itachi. Play fair," Tsukiyomi stated. The teen was sitting on her older brother's back; who was pressed chest first against the ground.

"Genjutsu," Deidara said.

"And I would've had you if she didn't step in," the Uchiha said. "Once again, you lose." The bomber glared at his opponent. "Kiyomi, if you would please get off of me."

Nodding, she stood, watching her brother leave. "I'll get him one day," Deidara grumbled. "But thanks. I owe yah, yeah."

Her shoulders shrugged. "Don't mention it. Though I am bored. Sasori said he was busy."

He rolled his eyes. "Danna is always busy, un. I honestly don't know why you bother."

She pouted. "That's not nice, Deidara."

"So sue me."

Suddenly, the hideout shook, causing the two ninjas to look at each other. "What was that?"

It happened again, but more violent causing them to stumble. The rock overhead cracked and began to crumble. Deidara's eyes widened, snapping his attention towards the girl. "Tsuki!" He didn't think twice, lunging as the roof caved in.


"Damn, what the fuck?" Hidan asked. He kicked away the head of a beheaded opponent, looking over the carnage.

"You should be happy though," Kakuzu stated. "After all Jashin will be pleased."

The man smirked. "Got that right partner, but what the hell was that? As if those weak ninjas think they could best Akatsuki."

"They were cocky," Pein said. "A rogue group from the North. They thought they might try their hand at us. However, they were clearly mistaken that they would get away and be able to have another try at us in the future." Everyone nodded. "Zetsu, status report."

The plant merged out of the ground. "We sustained minimal damage," spoke the White side.

"The lower training grounds completely collapsed in on itself from the tremors," added the other side.

Itachi stiffened, looking around. "Where's Kiyomi?" No one could answer searching to find the said missing girl. "Kiyomi!" The Uchiha rushed off. Everyone was startled by the display of emotion before following after him. They found a pile of rocks in the once large room, having to clear away the doorway before properly entering.

"Tsuki!" Kisame called.

"Zetsu, find her," Pein ordered.

The man melted into the rocks. "The brat is missing as well," Sasori said.

"He was here too," Itachi said.

"I found them!" Zetsu shouted. The Akatsuki scrambled over the wreckage to the area, pulling away the sections. Eventually they came across Deidara's robe, Kisame lifting off the last heavy piece.

"Kiyomi!" Itachi reached forward, grasping the dazed girl's hand tightly. "Are you alright?" There was a lot of blood, some on her face and arms from what he could see.

"I-It's not mine. Deidara has a head wound! Help him, please!"

Both were escorted to the hospital room, Kakuzu seeing to the terrorist first since the gash in the back of his head was severe. Konan was wiping away the blood from Tsukiyomi's face, since the girl could not be bothered. She was too busy staring at the blonde on the opposite table.

"We were fortunate Deidara was there," the woman stated.

"Hmm," Itachi mused. He was leaning up against the wall, making sure the girl didn't go into shock or in fact have hidden injuries that weren't visible.

"I know you don't like him, brother, but he did save my life," Tsukiyomi said.

He sighed. "I know."

Kakuzu checked her over once done, stating she had a mild concussion. "I would like her to stay here for the night. Less movement the better. I will also need to monitor them by waking them throughout the night to be sure they do not slip into a coma."

And so, Tsukiyomi sat in the infirmary with a passed-out bomber. Trying to get comfortable she found it impossible, shifting every few minutes. "Tsuki..." the teen groaned from his bed.

Glancing around and finding the area clear, the girl slowly swung her legs off the bed and walked to his bedside. She found his eyes cracked opened and daze, staring up at her. "How are you feeling?"

"Like hell, yeah. What happened?"

"A group attacked the base, but the others took care of it."

"How are you, un?"

"Mild concussion from the tackle to the floor, but I will live. You had a bad gash on the back of your head that Kakuzu patched up."

She helped him drink some water, watching as he fell back asleep. Finally feeling tired the girl shuffled on her feet, ready to return to bed. But before leaving she leaned over, kissing the corner of his lips. "Thank you, Deidara."

Tsukiyomi climbed under the blankets, completely missing the small smile that came to the criminal's mouth.

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