Marvel x Call of Duty | Back on the Grid

Start from the beginning

- Time Skip -

The scene starts with Thor surfacing up from the river, as he pulls out his sniper rifle and quietly locks and loads it. The others, Steve and Tony also surface, looking if there are any hostiles.

"Natasha, we're just outside the village." Steve told through his ear speaker.

"Copy. I'll pick out up in one hour." She replied.

"The factory isn't far from here, Loki's cargo should be in there. Keep it silent, let's move." Steve ordered his soldiers to move forward to the shipment area.

"Tony, try not to die this time." Steve said, worriedly.

Tony replied as a chuckle. "You worry about yourself, old man."

["Back on the Grid"]

[October 5th - 18:27:39]


[Task Force 141 - Disavowed]

[Sierra Leone, Africa]

While quietly sprinting, they arrive at a small bridge where a group of militia arrive with a jeep.

"Vehicles approaching." Tony spoke through his mic.

"Get down!" Steve ordered to stay hidden in the grass. One militia member goes off the jeep and spoke something in it's language.

The vehicles leave and the militiaman walks towards the river. The militiaman sees Tony, but before he could react, Tony sticks a knife into the militiaman's throat and throws his body into the river.

"Move." Steve and the others get out of their hiding spots and leave the area after the jeep moves away. But, they see other two militiamen moving away the dead bodies, as they remain hidden in the grass.

"Two x-rays, 11 o' clock." Tony saw them talking and distracted, that they cannot see the crew.

"Take em' out." Steve told Thor to open fire, as he does, shooting both of them with his sniper gun.

"Clear." The command was given by Steve, as they advance further to the middle of the village. As they enter, they see the militamen trying to burn out an innocent with kerosene.

"They're gonna torch that poor bastard." Tony spoke.

"Let's light them up before they light him up." Steve replied, as he requests Thor to open fire again. They do, as the innocent runs away and the militamen engage in the shooting. They all got taken down.

"Move." Steve gave the command, as they walk further. Between, they encounter many hostiles that they had to stay prone.

"Tangos up ahead. Hold your fire, there's too many of them." Steve stopped his comrades. They see the militiamen shooting an innocent villager far front of them.

"Don't do anything stupid, lads." Steve didn't wanted to end up dying because of a small mistake, because this is where things become serious. Tony reloads his gun and gets prepared.

"Alright get ready. Move." They all move on Steve's command, as the vehicles approach. "Get off the road! Get down! Now!" They quickly run to the grass where they go prone and wait for the vehicles to leave.

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