Chapter 37

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We get discharged from the hospital almost as soon as we were admitted. I guess it's due to my healing quirk..
I still don't really know how to use it. I just know i almost die every time i do. Very ironic.

Shoto hasn't said a word to me which is kinda a stab in the heart if you ask me.
This motherfucker is acting up.

My dad walks us both out of the hospital and i wait to get in the backseat of the car.
"Is anyone coming to pick you up Shoto?" my dad asks in his best attempt of a kind voice since he's still skeptical.
"No uhm.. I'm walking" he scratches the back of his neck.
"Well, since we're going to the same place, hop in the back with Y/n"
"I don't think-" he get cut off.
"Oh don't worry about it, just get in" My dad laughs cheerily. Shoto hesitantly joins me in the back of the car and we sit in silence.
This is going to be a long ride..

"So... how's the relationship going?" my dad strikes up conversation.
"Good" i reply "right, Shoto?"
"mhm, very good" he's looking out of the window as the scenes go by which pisses me off. I have to bite my tongue so i don't make a comment. I don't need my dad to get involved.

It only takes what feels like a year to arrive back at the dorms.
"Thanks for the ride, Coburn" Shoto says, calm and contained.
"Anytime, Shoto" he waves as off as he leaves the parking lot.

Shoto walks up ahead, pulling his luggage behind him.
"HEY" i shout and stop over to him. He stops walking and turns to face me.
"What the fuck is going on?"

I grit my teeth. Im annoyed but all i want is to understand what's happening right now.

"Tell the truth."
"That is the truth. Now may i go?" he doesn't even wait for a reply before walking into the dorms and slipping his shoes off. He heads straight upstairs, presumably to his room. I scoff and roll my eyes, throwing my shit down on the floor and letting out a frustrated yell.

"Ayyyy, L/N's home" Sero greets me and Denki follows close behind.
"What's up, Y/N?"
"Shoto is being weird" i groan and kick off my sneakers.
"What's he doing?"
"That's the thing, i don't fucking know. He's just completely blanking me. It's like i've done something wrong!"

"Who do i need to kill?" Bakugo shows up but i ignore him. I don't really want to speak to him after his performance a few days ago.

"Y/N!" He tries again but i continue talking to Sero and Denki.
"And quite frankly, Bakugo, i don't want to talk to you" I smile fakely at him before making my own way up the stairs. Todoroki's outburst of massive power was bound to happen at some point but i can't help but blame him for provoking it. Also, the things he said were unacceptable. I cant possibly talk to him unless he takes it upon himself to improve his character and apologise.

I'm so tired of people in general. And i'm hurt by Shoto. I'd understand if there was a reason but there doesn't appear to be one. I just wish he'd talk to me but he won't.

I shut my rooms door behind me and climb into bed without thinking twice.

This is why i didn't want to love anymore. All it seems to do is end up in heartache and i don't have the effort nor energy for it. If this shit was easy i'd do it without thinking. But it's not easy. That's what people would call poetic though. Love isn't easy and you have to try hard to make it work. So romantic blah blah blah. I don't want to have to hurt to love. I just want to be happy. I'm happy with him and now he's gone too. This universe just doesn't allow it. I'm not allowed to be happy.

I sob into my pillow, choking on air. It's not just a mental pain, it's physical too. My chest feels so tight it literally feels like my heart is breaking.

Why do i do this to myself? I was the one who let my guard down with Shoto. I was the one who let him in. I was the one who fell in love with him. In reality, what i'm feeling now is because of me. I told myself i wouldn't fall in love but look what i did. I should've known better. I did know better. But something about him made me change.

And i'm so in love with him.

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