Chapter 8

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I look back down at the floor because i can feel myself beginning to break. All i need to do is convince him that i'm fine and he'll leave me alone...
I bite down on the inside of my cheek in order to avoid crying.

God i'm so weak.

"You don't have to tell me. But i would like to know so i can make sure you can keep yourself safe"
"safe from what?" i mumble, trying my hardest to maintain my barrier.

There's a few seconds of silence.

"yourself" he says quietly "I ...realised who your mum was"

And that's what did it. That's what cause everything to crumble down. In a matter of seconds, what i had been holding up for 1 month and a whole week from everyone around me finally gave way.

Just because someone mentioned my mum.

I feel a tear run down my cheek but i'm quick to wipe it away, not letting Todoroki see me be weak. I stumble backwards and sit on the edge of my bed, opposite him.
I still try to conceal my sniffles and heavy breathing but i know he knows.

I calm myself down and bring myself to look at him again.
He's still just sat there, still a facial expression that's hard to read, barely any reaction.

Suddenly his face softens and he stands up, walks over to me. I follow his movements in my eyes, not wanting to, but i do. I want to know what comes next. He's seeing me in my weakest moment which i never planned to show anyone, not even my own dad.

I feel arms wrap firmly around me. He still hadn't said anything but this embrace told me that i was safe and i didn't need to hold anything back anymore. So that's what i did.
Losing all composure, i return the hug and cry for what felt like forever into his chest.

I hadn't cried properly since that day. I thought i didn't need to. But in reality, i just hadn't let myself.

He began running his fingers through my hair, placing his chin on the top of my head.
I knew exactly what he was saying although he hadn't used any words.
It'll all be okay. The pain will submerge eventually. Just hold on a little bit longer.

It's 3am.
I have finally run out of tears. I don't think i can cry anymore. I pull away from him, apologising.

This is so embarrassing.

"Don't apologise" he finally said "it is exactly what you needed to do."

He gave me that sympathetic smile i hate. Except it was different coming from him. The way he smiled was from someone else who had also experienced pain. His eyes are telling me he's also suffered.

I reach and lightly trace the edges of his scar that surrounds his left eye with my thumb. He looks down and blinks his own tears away. He soon looks back at me with a smile.

"You should sleep. It's really late"
"I do have things i want to tell you, but for now just rest. We have to wake up soon."

I nod, tired at last.
We watched each other, communicating our sympathy for each other without saying a single word.
He eventually stands up and i notice the massive wet patch from my tears on the shoulder of his shirt.

"Wait," I use my quirk to remove the water, leaving his shirt dry, and guide the water out of my room and onto the balcony.
"Nice quirk by the way" he says.
"Right back at you" I smile slightly.

He leaves my room through the door instead of going outside and using the balcony.
"Night" he shuts the door as quietly as possible, leaving me alone. I'm so tired i could sleep for years.

The Red String | S. Todoroki x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora