Chapter 5

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I'm about to open the door to my room when i hear a
I turn towards where the sound came from. Todoroki.
He waves at me from all the way down at the other end of the hall, stood in front of his room. There's still music playing downstairs as everyone else is still partying.
I wave back at him. I got see more of him today than i usually would. Could this mean i'll finally get to know about him and what he's hiding from everyone?

That's a selfish reason to become friends with someone so introverted... but i can't help being intrigued by his typically silent character. I know there's so much more to him but I can't read it straight off the bat.

I quickly get dressed into my pyjamas before snuggling into bed.

"You should probably sleep too"
I remember his words he said so softly and the way his eyes looked into mine.


I shake my head rapidly from side to side as if it's gonna get rid of the butterflies in my stomach.
I roll over onto my side, trying to get comfortable.

I think back to the shower room and how he held his hand over my mouth. What if he kissed me? What if-

I let out a squeal and smack the pillow on top of my face in embarrassment. I can feel myself blush hard. I shouldn't be thinking these things. Why am i thinking these things?

I throw my pillow onto the floor and stand up, looking in the mirror.
"You" i point at myself "are PATHETIC."
Letting out a loud sigh, I pick the pillow back up and put it back on my bed, myself jumping underneath the covers soon afterwards.
Hard work again tomorrow i'm sure so i should get as much sleep as possible.

However, my mind keeps running astray. I admit, Todoroki is an attractive guy, but i barely know him and i'm catching feelings.


Last night au couldn't stop my thoughts. My mind was racing. I'm surprised i slept. At all.

I stare down at my weetabix and shove a spoonful in my mouth. Everyone is sat around the table, quiet and tired. Bakugo's loud as ever though, except this time Kirishima is accompanying him.

I can't bare to look at him. Todoroki i mean. With all my thoughts last night, all i feel is embarrassment and shame. Crushing on a guy you've barely just met? Especially after i pledged to never love anyone ever? That's shameful.

It's probably just nothing and will be over in a week.
No it will.
Will it?

I let out an audible groan by accident but slap my hand over my mouth. Iida looks at me, concerned.
"Sorry, ignore me" i mutter and put another spoonful in my mouth, trying to gather my thoughts.

If i avoid him i'm sure it'll go away sooner. Then i can forget this whole thing ever happened and go back to just being competitive classmates with competitive dads.

I nod to myself and smile reassuringly. I look around and realise that everyone at the table is watching me.
"You're a very expressive thinker" Midoriya chuckles. Everyone turns to him "Says you!" they all begin to mock him "mutter mutter mutter mutter"

The entire table laughs at Deku as he scratches his head, knowing everyone's right.

We finish breakfast and follow the rota for who's doing the washing up today.

"WHY ME?" Bakugo shouts
"because it's your turn" I say in a "duh" tone.
"who?" i ask, unamused.
"no way, it was my turn yesterday afternoon."
A soothing voice speaks behind me.
"I'll do it if L/N does it"
"okay. definitely not" i scurry off to hide in the bathroom.

As if that's gonna stop him he literally came into the shower room yesterday.
I sigh and sneak back out, about to run up the stairs when

I scrunch my eyes shut but regain my composure and turn around to face him. The peppermint boy watches me silently, as usual i guess?
"you're being weird."
"i am? hahahahha l. o. l. that's funny" i shrug it off in my best attempt.
"a perfect example" he looks at me, deadpan.

"I need to go water my plants" i cringe quickly after that sentence but jog up the steps.
Of course he's following me.

I open the door and it's about to close when his hand pokes around the side, pushing it back open. He takes a quick look around my room.

"There's no plants"
"... oh yeah" i laugh awkwardly "whoops"

He stands still, quiet. Probably waiting for my explanation about my behaviour this morning.

"Girl room" i remind him "you're not allowed on this side of the building"
"ok" he steps in further "cool guitar"
"Todoroki i'm serious."
"All of a sudden? You've been acting goofy all morning."
"Todoroki you've known me for three days. How do you know this isn't my normal."

"Is it because of that bruise?" he asks in a worried tone.
"No, why? ...SHOULD it be because of that bruise?"
"Nononono i was just checking"
"You're starting to worry me."
"It's nothing to worry about."
"Then why did you bring it up as if it was?" I scowl at him, watching for small changes in his expression. Still unreadable as ever.

"I thought you got freaked that's all?"
"Should i be freaked?"
"L/N stop."
"Why are you assuming it's something to be freaked over if it's not, huh?" I raise my voice "I think the truth is that YOURE the one acting weird NOT m-"

The door shut before i could finish my sentence. I let out a shaky sigh and sit down at my desk. I truly am worried now.. if it wasn't bad why does he keep telling me to stop worrying when i haven't said anything that insinuates me being worried?

I hope he is okay...
I'll try and ask him when a better opportunity comes up. For now i'll put it away in a box.

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