Chapter 36

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My eyes open sharply as i hear the door open and tiredly watch as Shoto's wheeled into the room. He's asleep.

They place his bed near mine but where the curtain can still divide us. My eyes remain on him in an attempt to see exactly how injured he is.

I can't find any signs of outward injury.. did i heal him too? what is this quirk and how is it so powerful?

Every so often, i glance over to him waiting for him to wake up but in the meantime i use the bracelet making kit the girls bought me to keep me busy.

I decide to make matching ones for me and Shoto. I use a dark blue string and use letters to spell out his name. I add on a flame and snowflake charm and then fill the rest up with red and white beads.
I move onto mine, using a light blue string and putting my name in the middle, adding in a peace symbol and an ocean charm since that's the closest i could get. Finally i use light yellow and dark blue beads to fill up the rest of the bracelet.

I smile in satisfaction as I look at them both.
As i do so, i hear movement from Todoroki and i look over in his direction. I decided to stay quiet and not bombard him since he's just recovered from his surgery yesterday. I hope he's doing well.

I close up the kit and put the bracelets under my pillow before leaning back against it, sighing. His eyes peak open and he sees me. I smile softly at him and he returns it. However, the smile slowly drops and he turns his head to face away from me.

Oh- okay?

I shrug and reach to the table, picking up my phone and scrolling through instagram. I like a few posts but soon get bored and move onto tiktok. I scroll endlessly, there's no end to this crackhead app.

A doctor comes in and i glance at the clock. Jeez, that app really is a pit of time travel.. it's been 2 hours.

He gives Shoto a quick check up and asks about his symptoms, writing them down on a clipboard. He smiles and leaves us alone again.
I look over to him but he's still looking away.

"Hey Sho"
He turns to face me, face blank "hi"
"How are you?"
I wait for a second as if there's more but there isn't.
"Oh- well, i'm fine too"
"Mhm that's good" he rolls over and pulls his sheets over his head.

I shake it off and get back on my phone.


Shoto wakes up again, throwing the sheets off.
"I'm gonna go pee" he says in a weary tone and walks towards the bathroom. I watch his every move feeling kind of sad with his dismissiveness. Maybe i'm clingy... i don't know. It's probably an overreaction. He's just tired.

The door shuts loudly which makes me look up from surprise. I hear the tap turn on. The water runs for a really long time. I try to ignore it and distract myself by reading wattpad, enemies to lovers but i'm caught off guard by one, singular sob.

Wait, is he using the tap water to mask him crying? I hop out of bed and knock on the door.
The sink immediately turns off and the door swings open. I'm met with Todoroki, who's looking down at me with no emotion across his face. The front of his hair is damp and his face is shining.
"What?" he raises one eyebrow and looks down at me.
"A- are you okay?"
"Since when is washing my face a bad thing?"
"Never i just thought i heard-"
"Well you didn't, alright?" Still no expression change.
"Sorry.." I walk back to my bed, feeling tense.

It begins to get dark outside and i take my pyjamas from the draw beside me and walk into the bathroom. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I look surprisingly better than i thought i would. I get dressed quickly and leave.
Shoto is stood near the window, looking out on the street below us solemnly. He's dressed in his PJ's i assume he changed while i was in the bathroom.
He turns around and follows me with his eyes before he gets back into bed. I bite my lip in thought and grab the bracelets from under my pillow before jumping up onto Shi'a bed.

He gives me a plain look before looking down at my hands where i'm holding the accessories.
"I made bracelets" i laugh awkwardly.
"They're cute" his smile emerges but he pushes it back down.

"Here" i hold out the bracelet that's got my name on it. He takes it from my hand and i put my one with Shoto's name around my wrist.
Todoroki just stares at his, not much of a reaction.
"Thank you." he puts it on the table beside him "I'm going to sleep"
"Right, sure" I can't lie that hurt a lot.

I make my way back over to my side and i turn to face him. All i see is him pull the curtain across accompanied by a "swoosh" from the rings on the rails.
I stand still, staring at it for a minute.
Why is he acting so weird?

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