Chapter 24

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THE SMUT FROM CHAPTER 24 HAS BEEN MOVED TO PATREON (link in bio to gain access)

It's just about 9pm when we arrive back at the dorms.
My stomach growls and i sigh.
"I'm hungry, i'll cook something" I let go of his hand as we walk inside.
"thank you"

I'm in a bit of pain from earlier but it's not too bad. I pull open the fridge, there's not really much in there so i check the freezers. There's a few pizzas so i grab two and leave it out to defrost, sitting down in the main room where everyone else is.
"And where the fuck have you been?" Mina asks, narrowing her eyes at me.
"No where really, just hanging out with Shoto, why" i roll my eyes playfully.

Mina let's out a squeal which makes my heart stop for a second.
Everyone turns to face her
"What the hell Mina?"

"l/n got f-"
I cut her off by smacking her as hard as i possibly can on the shoulder.
"OWWWW" she whines.
I give her a serious look and she mouths a 'sorry'.
I kinda want to just keep it between me and Shoto because i love how personal it makes it.

I join the conversation with everyone for a bit but return to the kitchen to cook the pizzas.

As i'm taking them out of the boxes, his scent wraps around me as he rests his chin on the top of my head.
"oooo pizza" he hums.
"there wasn't much else" i smile as i turn to face him. His hair was wet, presumably from having a shower.
"You, sir, are very attractive"
"why, thank you" he bows, playing along and laughing.

The oven beeps to alert me it had reached 245 degrees (C) and i turn back to the food. I put the pizzas in the oven and set the timer for 15 minutes.

"Today was really good" He sincerely says. I glance over at him, my heart thumping rhythmically.
"Thank you" I smile.
"For what, doofus" he raises a brow.
"For loving me"
"And iiii-e-ii will always love youuu" he pulls a Whitney Houston, pretending to hold a microphone and i wack him with the oven gloves before standing on my tiptoes and kissing him.

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