Chapter 3

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"Fuck. I'm exhausted" I exhale as I sit down on the benches beside Mina and the rest of the girls.
"Shame you lost" Bakugo says, cockily as he walks past.
"I was 10 points off of you, Bakugo. If you don't want me to overtake you, you're gonna have to work a whole lot harder" I watch him slyly as he clenches his teeth and frowns in anger.
"You guys seem pretty civil considering his personality" Mina laughs.
"Civil?" I join her laughs "If that's what you call civil, I fear what he's like to other people."

"So, do you know anyone here?" Mina inquires.
"No, i actually moved from a coastal town not too long ago so i barely know anyone in this city" i pick up my water bottle and take a big gulp.
"Oh, may i ask why?"

Do i really have to answer this question.

I put down the water bottle quietly and stare down at the floor before lifting my head and looking at her.
"Uhm-" I start, not really sure how to word it "my mum died and we kind of wanted a change of place"
"Oh, i'm really sorry to hear that" she gives me the smile of pity that i hate. I shut my eyes to refrain from being an asshole.
"Yeah it sucks but it is what it is" I open my eyes and turn away, shrugging.

You'd be surprised, but i don't really feel like crying when i talk about her. Hurts like shit, but i just don't cry about it, I guess.

"You know anyone?" I ask back.
"Only Kirishima" She smiles and points at a red haired kid who making conversation with the Pomeranian. She laughs as she continues "He dyed his hair red because he's a massive fanboy of Crimson Riot"
"Ohhh, a fanboy" I giggle "Damn he has no fear talking to Bakugo"
She nods in agreement "Yeah, i'm too scared to talk to him"
"I could introduce you, if you'd like. I think you'd like him even if he can be a dick"

"You all did well for first years. However, there's plenty of room for improvement. Today was an intense first day and it's only going to get harder. I expect hard work and commitment if you want to become hero's" Mr. Aizawa lectures. "I assume you're aware of the dorms. You'll be officially moving in tomorrow so say your final goodbyes to your families tonight and we'll have people transport your things in the morning. Have a good nights sleep and i'll see you early tomorrow."

"Thank you!" The class shouts before leaving.
"Hey, want to exchange number?" Mina asks sweetly.
"Yeah, sure" i smile, pulling my phone out of my pocket "You're really pretty by the way"
"Aw, you too, L/N!"


I place my bag down as soon as I arrive home, throwing myself onto my bed and sighing into it's comfort.
I hear a soft knock on the door.
"How was your first day, Champ?" my dad steps in and sits on the end of my bed.
"Tiring" i sigh "but really good!"
I turn my head to the side and meet my dads proud gaze.
"Look at my daughter!!!" He pulls me into a tight bear hug, almost suffocating me. My dads a big guy but also a massive softie. "I'm so proud of you"
"For what?" my voice is completely muffled.
"Being so strong" he releases me and places his hand on my head.
"Awrh" he pulls me in again.
"Thanks dad but i can't breathe" i laugh.

"I can't believe you're moving out tomorrow" He grins "All grown up"
"I" i sigh and fiddle with my fingers "I don't want to leave you here by yourself"
"Your old man will be fine, i've got the cats. Alsooooo, I've also been given more patrol hours"
"Wait, really dad? That's awesome!" My eyes light up with excitement. My dad is my favourite hero!

"I better get our last proper meal together ready!" He stands up and walks out of the room "Oh, and, any boys?" He asks excitedly.
"Okay, okay" he laughs, shutting the door firmly behind him.

I lay back down and stare at my ceiling. Dorms huh?? I wonder what it will be like. With conflicts and all. It's also the perfect opportunity to find out more about Todoroki. It's been bothering me all day that i can't read him at all. His face is always so... clinical.

I hum to myself before unlocking my phone. A new friend request on Instagram from Midoriya?? Oh, that Deku kid. I accept it and stalk his account a bit before following.
Definitely a mumma's boy with that many selfie's with her on his page. I click the follow button, making it into 48 followers. Bless.

'How did he find my page?' I wonder to myself before shrugging. He's always watching people, probably found me from my dad's profile. He's obsessed with heroes.


After dinner, i went straight up to bed considering it's an early start tomorrow because we have to move into the dorms.
I fall asleep almost instantly. Today's training was intense.

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