Chapter 30

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I wake up at 11am. Everyone has already left for school whereas my school day starts at 2 and ends at 8 but I have to attend extra classes in order to catch up so i rarely get back before 10:30.

I decide to start my day with a jog so i get dressed into my leggings and a sports bra, putting on a loose t-shirt over the top.
I tie the lace on my shoes and head out, jogging up the hill towards the UA main building. I end up running past the PE grounds where, coincidentally, my class is.

As i get closer i notice Shoto near the outside of the grounds, close to the path im following.
When i see him my heart speeds up more than it already was from the jogging.

Do i stay quiet? I don't want to interrupt the lesson but it would be weird if i completely ignored them. I could wave but.. that's very awkward. Maybe i should just turn around and go a different way to the wooded area.
..Yeah that's a better idea.

"Y/N?" Shoto says my name which startles me and causes me to fall flat on my face. I let out a groan and lift my head from the ground only to see Todoroki's hand held out for me to take. His face is blank - probably due to our classmates nearby us - but his eyes are telling me he's trying his hardest to hold back a laugh.

I let out an awkward chuckle before taking his hand and standing up. So much for not interrupting the class.

"How are you doing?" He asks plainly.
"Oh, i'm good... how are you?"
"I miss you."
Another thing to take my by surprise. Wow, Shoto admitting he misses me. There's got to be an achievement for that.
I blush "i miss you too".

We stand looking at each other for a minute.

"I should go back" he says, the corner of his mouth smiling slightly which makes me smile
"yeah, you should"
He glances around him before leaning in and kissing me softly, sending up those same butterflies i'm so used to feeling nowadays.
"Bye" I just know i'm red right now.

He gives me one final glance before heading back onto the grounds. I notice the girls waving at me while the bakusquad were.. shouting?
Should i expect any less? Not at all.

It looks like Denki made up some poor attempt of a cheerleading chant while Mina was leading them all with the choreography.
I shove my middle fingers up at them jokingly. My friends are such clowns. Wonderful clowns. But clowns.

God, i miss them.

I continue my jog up towards the woods and once i arrive, i crouch down by the nearest diseased tree.

"I need to start practicing this quirk" i mutter to myself "healing... can't be too hard, right?"

I shut my eyes and shake my shoulders, releasing the tension as i still catch my breath. "Okay, so... i guess i just"
Placing my hands on the bark i attempt to activate the quirk but to no avail.
I hum in frustration.
"Maybe i just need to concentrate more"
I furrow my brows, eyes still shut and clear my head of all thoughts.

Heal the tree. That's all i've gotta do.
That's it. Not hard.

A large chunk of time passed before i give up, letting out a loud wail and opening my eyes. How the fuck does this shit work? It's nothing like my H2O manipulation.

My heart drops to my ass as i remember i have class. I check my phone. It's in 18 minutes. If i sprint maybe i can make it?

"shit." i hiss under my breath before standing up again and pivoting 180 back towards campus.


At 8 when my classes ended, Aizawa pulled up a chair in front of my desk.

"How confident are you feeling in your ability to join back with the rest of the class?" He says with an unconcerned tone.
"I can join back?" i ask excitedly.
"You've worked really hard these past few weeks, i'm extremely impressed" he says yet the tone remains the same.
"Thank you" I smile "I'm trying really hard"
"But how do you feel? Do you think you're ready to get back?"
"I think so" i nod slightly.

"Alright, starting on Monday you'll be back with the rest of us and this evenings extra classes are cancelled." he says indifferently.
"Thank you, sensei!" I stand up and bow my head before walking out and then breaking into speed.

I can't wait to see my friends.

I get back to the dorms as soon as possible, just in time as food is being served up. I inhale through my nose, the scent attacking my nostrils.
"Fuck" i say in hunger.
"That's what she said" Denki laughs as he walks past towards the dining area before doing a double take.
"L/N?!!!!!" His scream bounces off of the walls and all chatter stops in the other rooms. Almost immediately after, everyone's heads pop around the corner and they stare at me.

"Hey" i wave awkwardly.
"AYO y/n IS BACK!!!" Sero shouts at the top of his lungs.
All at once, Bakugo, Kiri, Sero, Mina and Denki run at me full speed before rugby tackling me to the floor.
"Guys i can't breathe" i struggle while giggling as they pile on top of me yelling out in celebration.

Eventually they allow me to get free. I love these people.

"Love you, idiots" i grin.
"Oh shut up" Bakugo punches me in the arm playfully.

We all sit around the table as the food is being served. I could hear almost everyone's stomachs. It's like they were trying to harmonise... but poorly.

"Thank you for the food, Tokoyami!" we thank him as a group and start our meals.
I sigh at the taste and feel of a warm meal against my tongue.
How long has it been since i ate a proper dinner? Feels like forever.

"Baby, do you want to go on a walk after this?" Shoto looks over to me softly from being sat beside me.
I nod before replying "That would be nice"

"AHHHH HE CALLED HER BABY MY SHIP IS SAILING SO STRONG" Mina falls backwards of her chair because she leaned too far back. An "ouch" followed soon after once her chair hit the floor.
I cant help but smile as both me and Shoto turn the same colour as Mina's skin.

"Everyone, welcome Shoto and Y/N Todoroki, the newly wedded, eating their dinner amongst their comrades" Denki announces, standing up on his chair and waving his arms around dramatically.
I cant help but feel butterflies when my first name is placed next to his family name.
Sero and Mina pull out their phone. Jirou plugs into Sero's phone as Mina starts to record Denki's performance.

Denki starts reciting vows dramatically and waves at Sero who starts playing Sasageyo through Jirou, who's sat there kinda unimpressed but entertained, nonetheless.

I bury my face in my hands from embarrassment though i'm lowkey enjoying it.

Once the music stops i look up "eat you're fucking dinner, goddamit"

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