Chapter 34

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What my mum warned me about..
Is this it??

I blink and it switches back. Shoto is still screaming, it's almost blood curdling. I try and push myself up off the ground but i barely manage to sit up.


All of a sudden, his flames increase significantly. Though he threw me far, the flames are big enough to reach me and slightly burn my skin.
His ice shoots out in all directions, no control whatsoever. It's so sharp you could easily get impaled and the shapes it's making are menacing. It crisscrosses like barbed wire.

This power is overwhelming. How am i going to stop this? Me? That's my purpose? I cant do this.

But i have to. I have to find a way.

I muster enough strength to stand up. I stumble on my feet and look over to where everyone else is, they're safe and they're leaving the area.


Bakugo on the other hand..

I shoot my focus over to him, he's knocked out on the floor. I can just about see him through the wall of flames. His chest is rising and falling which alerts me he's still breathing. I need to reach him and tend to him.. but it would be too risky to try and walk past, I'd end up going through the flames and getting turned to bacon. I have to stop Shoto first.

The heat is starting to absorb all the moisture in the area. If i don't act fast, my quirk will be useless. It's dehydrating me and the air around us.
I notice Shoto is crouched over on the floor, clutching his insides.
"IT HURTS" he cries out "IT HURTS SO BAD"

what the fuck do i do.

He reacts to my voice "I cant" his voice cracks as he strains to get the words out.
He lets out another yell of pain and he throws up onto the ground beside him.

I'm going to have to find a way to him. If i can just get to the ice side i'll have no problem with reaching him.

The buildings around us are either on fire now or they're crushed from the force of his ice.

He will destroy himself and everything around him.

Fuck. The city and its people won't survive at this rate... i hope no one is inside those buildings.

The smoke is rising into the air, causing a dark cloud to form over us.

"SHOTO, REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID TO ME IN THE WOODS WHEN I SAID MY QUIRK WOULDN'T WORK? JUST TRY" I try to project my voice to him through the noises of ice cracking and fire crackling. "PLEASE, JUST TRY IT"

He nods slightly, still folded over as tears run down his face. He's in agony, i can tell.
This still doesn't seem to work.

"FUCK" i shout in frustration. As i blink, my hallucinations appear before me, though the red string catches my eye this time. It's not following in a straight line towards Todoroki, it's curving around the flames.

Maybe i need to follow it. I bite my lip worriedly before taking a step and following the string. It leads me around the fire, flames scorching my skin but i'm more worried about everyone else right now. The string eventually leads me to and stops in front of the ice wall. I blink once again and everything converts back to normal.

If i can just use my quirk, i can get past.

But i can't, the fire seems to have dehydrated me too much. I feel my knees buckle and i fall to the floor in hopelessness. I cant do it. I cant stop it. There's no way.

I cant form any tears but sob anyway.

Just then i hear another scream of pain from Shoto and for some reason it makes me feel motivated to stop this.

I said a while back i didn't want him to suffer anymore. But he's suffering right now. What's the point of that promise if i don't even try to save him right now.

I suck up my cries and stand back up, holding my hand out. I concentrate and after a while the ice wall gives in, creating a waterfall.

I sprint over to Shoto even though i'm tired and kneel next to him.
The sound of his wails pain me to hear.
"I know you can do it, you can stop this"
He remains silent, only trying to cope with the pain he's in.
I cup his face in my hands. Though the fire is incredibly hot, both sides of his face are ice cold.
My stomach is turning and flipping. I'm so close to danger right now, any minute his fire could direct towards me or i could be stabbed by ice. I'm absolutely terrified.

But... I hate him in pain. I just want it to stop. I want to help him.


I cant think of anything right now. I don't know if i'll ever be able to stop this.

I do the next best thing, comfort him. I throw myself at Shoto and wrap my arms tightly around him.
A tingle zaps through me and it feels warm but a comfortable warm. My skin begins to glow and eventually, the glow develops into a light so bright it's blinding. The light engulfs us both, swallowing us into a different realm.

Time freezes for a second and everything goes silent aside from Shoto's sobs in my ear. I only hug him tighter.
"You're safe now" i rub his back and he sighs shakily into me, relaxing into my hold.

"Hmmm.... it's not your turn to leave yet" a soft voice hums from around us, we both look up. The space around us is bright but empty."I thought it was... considering that entire display"

Where are we?

The voice sighs "Heaven, hell, the underground, the afterlife.. there's all sorts of names for it... but really it's just this. Emptiness. You'd be shocked right? Though it does depend on what part you get sent to, I suppose"
"We're.. dead?" I ask confused.
"You have been for a while now... probably since your back hit that wall, Y/n L/n" They echo around our ears "Your power is too strong for your vessels... would you not agree?"

We both nod in agreement "You're right.."
"But i don't believe it's your time" the voice says calmly and informatively.

"You will be sent back now, only, you won't remember this interaction, Shoto Todoroki."
"Why?" i inquire, still cradling him.
"He doesn't have the quirk that you possess" they say simply.

I have hundreds of questions i want to ask.

"Anyway, bye bye now, we'll be awaiting on your return home."

"Wait- who are you?"

There's an unbearable high pitched tone which rings in my ears.
The world turns black like someone flicked off a switch.

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