Chapter 25

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"Y/n" a voice echos.
I look around me, it's foggy and there's a blinding white glow but i can't see anyone.
What is this place? Am i dreaming?
I can't help but look towards the light, it feels as though it's calling me.
As i walk closer, it looks more and more like a figure.

The face soon become recognisable.
"Mum?" i whisper.
She smiles, holding out her arms. I run into them, falling into her hold.
"Why did you leave me?" i cry into her. I'm angry but happy to see her.
"I'm sorry, angel-"
"It's your fault i feel so shit everyday! There's barely ever any moment when i'm happy anymore and it's because of you" I let out my feelings, screaming and crying all at once.

"Why are you even here..." My voice cracks.
"Y/n..." she strokes my head "I'm sorry.."

I sink into her, tired of the pain "why did you do it?"
"You don't have to feel like this anymore" her sweet voice, soothing me, but avoiding the question.
"What do you mean?" i ask, still burying my face against her.
"Don't you see it?"
I look up at her and follow her eye-line. She picks up my hand and examines my pinkie.
"See what?"
"You saw it earlier" she smiles gently, all knowingly. As i look deeper, i notice a red string around my finger.

I start follow it, my bare feet stepping on the emptiness beneath me.

My childhood memories ring in my ear.

"In Japanese and Chinese tale, it is said there's a red string that ties soulmates together" my mum points at an illustration in the book she's holding "the red string of fate"
"Woahhhh, it must be easy to find your soulmate!" my 6 year old self says, amazed.
"Oh no, our beings can't see it, it's invisible to our eyes!" she exclaims, pulling me into her side.
"So there's no way to see it at all?" I look up at her.
"Well, there is one way" she looks down at me, her eyes shining like the sun.
"Tell me how!" I kneel and turn to face her, my fists balled in excitement.
"Well, you have to connect to the higher world"
"The... higher world?" i ask, wanting to know more.
She nods "with my quirk, I find it much easier. It's a creation from the Gods" She references her peace quirk. The ability of angels.
I watch her explain, in awe.
"Though theres is far more to it than red strings" she chuckles softly.

"You remember that don't you?" my mum says peaceably just as another figure comes into view.
The string leads to Shoto, lying on the floor motionless.
"He's fast asleep right now, we're seeing him in real time"
"Did you know this all along?" I question, asking about the string.
She nods "I knew since the day you set foot in the play park by our old house. Shoto's mum, Rei, was there with all four of her children.. I was surprised to see her there since she lived in the city. She told me they came to visit the sea"

I listen intently, still looking at Shoto.

"There was a young boy, around your age, red and white hair... and though he didn't have that scar back then, i recognised him every time we crossed paths. I didn't expect to meet him so early... i mean, sometimes people never meet their soulmate, ever. Let alone when you're 3 years old."

She shakes her head.

"I noticed that your strings were facing in a direction towards each other, meeting in the middle. I couldn't believe my eyes at first, if i'm honest."

There was a short pause.
"Anyway, that's not why i'm here."

I turn to face her, confused.
"His power is manifesting" she says in a serious tone.
"You see, angel, his father set out to create a weapon like no other. One powerful enough to have an overwhelming strength. One that could destroy all in its path, if so pleased."
I shake my head, tired of this "weapon" bullshit.
"He achieved exactly what he hoped for, although the only thing i can see as a result is destruction."
Widening my eyes, I ask her to elaborate.
"He simply can't control the power of that quirk that's manifesting and building inside him right now. It will destroy him and everything around him."

"Wait so what does that mean?" i ask alarmed.
She bends down, picking up the string where it appears to be fraying... fraying???
"The universe has always had a plan" she says blandly, glancing up at me "and it's you"

I raise my brow and scoff. "Yeah, okay. I'm done with this illusion now, can i wake up or something"
It's starting to sound like bullshit. Me? The universes plan?

"Y/n. Shoto isn't the only creation on this plane. The world made you to create a balance. Yin and Yang"
"Mum - if you even are her - what the fuck are you saying?"
"You have to stop him when the power takes over."
I laugh to myself "yeah okay, will do"

"Angel, i'm serious. My quirk is manifesting in you, too. It hadn't risen to the surface before today. It's bound to take a toll on your body.
I'm here right now, to warn you, y/n"

I sigh, still not believing a word "so, why did you do it?"
"kill yourself." i glare at her.
"That quirk has an awful downside when you're too weak to control it.." she mumbles "when i told you it's created by the Gods, it wasn't an exaggeration." she inhales "I could see people who once lived. As a hero, you can't save everyone. I couldn't bare seeing their faces any longer" she whispered.

"Great, so, now i'm getting this fucking quirk?" i laugh in disbelief. My life is a movie.
"Not like i did. You're strong"

I do a double take "what- not like you had it? Because i'm strong?"
"We don't have much time left, i can't explain now"
"So i'm just going to be clueless? Great" i mutter and her figure begins to fade.

"See you later, y/n" her silhouette completely disappears as my body is swallowed in darkness.

I jolt awake in a hot sweat. My entire body is aching yet numb.
There's a tightness in my throat, i feel like i can't breathe. I stumble out of bed, leaving my room. I almost fall down the stairs and it feels as though i can barely move my body.
I reach the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water in pitch black, taking a gulp.

My chest rejects it, causing me to cough. I run over to the kitchen sink, spitting out the water, still coughing.
The light flicks on as i gasp for air. The sudden change in brightness causes me to squint my eyes. I can make out a red substance in the sink.

Did i cough up blood???

Someone calls out my name but my hearings fuzzy. I feel my knees buckle as my sight becomes blurry, falling to the floor.

The Red String | S. Todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now