Chapter 12

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"My turn on the sofa" i claim as i jump onto the comfy furniture, Shoto joining soon afterwards.
"What movie do you guys want to watch?" Deku asks as everyone passed around the large bowl of popcorn.

"A silent voice! it's so sadddd but beautiful!!" Yaoyorozu exclaims.
"Isn't that the one about suicide? that's so depressingggg" Bakugo groans as he shovels a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
Yep, depressing right?

I suppose Shoto notices my reaction since his hand is placed firmly on my shoulder, making me relax the tension that i didn't realise i just held.
"It may be depressing but it's a real thing." Shoto defends "I don't see why you have to act like that"
"Stop, Shoto, it's fine." I shrug off his hand and play with my fingers, twiddling them around.

The whole room is silent, probably as they watch me, eyes on me.
Everyone's eyes are on me.
Stop looking at me.
Just stop looking.
I don't like it when you look at me.
Please stop.

I look up at Shoto.
"Let's go outside for a second and get some fresh air"
"Don't treat me like that." I spit "everyone treats me like that."
"I'm sorry-"
"I can do that by myself." I push myself off of the sofa and push my feet into my shoes.

why is everyone trying to help me? Am i that weak that i cant handle my own shit?

Fucking hell.

I shut the front door behind me and walk out onto the porch. It's getting pretty dark. The street lamps are on and the stars are slightly visible.
The cold air stings my cheeks, probably because they were wet from tears i hadn't even noticed were falling.

I zip up the jacket i'm wearing and take my bike from the shelter, climbing on. I cycle up towards the official UA building, it's not hard but i'm just tired right now so it feels like a marathon.

Once i arrive at the very top of the hill, i wheel my bike around to the back of the building where there's absolutely no one in sight. There's the other side of the city below. City lights are beautiful from above. I guess it's hard to realise that from the ground since your perspective is so small.

I stand on the grass silently for a while, thinking, reminiscing, crying sometimes, being angry other times.

I'm not sure how long it had been when i turned and spotted Todoroki jogging up towards me, panting and out of breath.

"Should've taken i bike" i suggest as the wind flaps around me. It's likely to be really tangling my hair up, but i couldn't really care right now.
"Probably" he gasps for air before standing next to me, hands in his pockets and taking in the same view as me.
"You know.. I wasn't just defending that for you.. my dad says my brother did it" He doesn't take his eyes off of the city below us.
"It's more common than i thought" I half joke to cope with the pain.
"That's what i was thinking" Shoto joins me, laughing in disbelief.

We shared a silence. Not comfortable, but not awkward either.

"I'm sorry for treating you like you can't do things on your own"
A small put grows in my stomach, feeling awful for how i reacted back there.
"I'm sorry i overreacted. You were just looking out for me" I bite my lip to hold back my tears.
"It's okay. I understand people constantly babying you and having enough of it, getting pissed about it. Even when someone's not trying to baby you, your mind immediately jumps straight to the defensive." he looks over at me, his hair being blown backwards.
"Shoto has a forehead?" I joke.
"ha ha"

In all seriousness, he's so beautiful. Watching his face as the reflection of the sunset in his eyes fade to the night sky did nothing but cause me to fall in love with him more.

I don't really regret it, though.

"what are you thinking?" he smiles softly.
"wouldn't you like to know, weather boy"
He rolls his eyes at the old reference.
"Seriously, though"
"it's nothing" i chuckle.

He hums in disbelief before pulling my hood up and over my head.
"You're getting cold" he states "let's head back". He picks up my bike and starts to wheel it away.
I stay still, considering the options.
"Are people going to be mad at me?" my voice barely above a whisper, as i look at him.
He pauses, lays my bike back down and steps over it, walking towards me.

He cups my face in his hands. They were surprisingly warm so i sunk into them.
"Of course not" the corners of his mouth edged into a comforting smile "now come on, it's getting late" I nod and walk right beside him.


We reach the dorms at around 9:33pm and slide off our shoes quietly before entering the sofa area again. They're watching a movie, i can't really tell what it is straight away.
Everyone waves gently at me and we take our seats on the couch.

Not too bad i guess.

Shoto looks down at me, his facial expression had already returned to deadpan but it didn't stop the fluttering inside my stomach.
I yawn half way through the movie, feeling sleepy which Todoroki responds to.
Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he pulls me in, laying my head down on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat soothes me and his heat envelopes my body. He grabs my AOT blanket and throws it over us. Usually i'd feel nervous, but i'm too tired to even move.

I tried to keep my eyes open, I wanted to see the end of the movie, but my vision became blurry and eventually turned to black.

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