Chapter 4

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"Wow this place is pretty huge" i gawk at the area surrounding me. I don't waste any time and i run upstairs to the place my room was set to be, most of my stuff was in boxes and the room was a nice size.
I lay on the pre-built bed, sighing comfortably, putting my hands behind my head. It's nice in here - you can tell it's a new building because everything looks so clean and pristine.

After lazying about, i finally get up and begin to unpack. I get out my black duvet and pillow, placing them on the bed neatly and I place my guitar in the corner of the room.
I start to put up my LED's along the ceiling when i hear footsteps.

I swing around to see Todoroki holding and staring at my old pointe shoes.
I blink twice before jumping down from the chair, snatching them from his hands and putting them down on the desk behind me.
"Oh, sorry" he watches as i place them down "my bad, i shouldn't have come in, uninvited" he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.
"So... why?" I question, raising a brow.
"I saw them sticking out of the box and i thought they were pretty cool" he shrugged.
"Thanks?" I'm taken aback by the compliment "i guess?"

"You dance?"
"Not anymore" I turn back around and hop up onto the chair, putting up the rest of my LED's.
"May i ask why?"
I sigh "it's- personal..." turning around again hoping he won't ask any further.
"That's fine" he smiles slightly, but softly.

My eyes widen and i jump off the chair again, running up to him.
"Todoroki smiling??? How do i handle this strange situation???" I squint at his lips and place a finger on my chin, teasing him a bit.
He lets out a small "ha" before turning around and leaving.

That guy is so fuckin weird but so intriguing...


"Dorm celebration YEAHHHHH!" Kaminari shouts as he's stood on the table next to Kirishima.

"SHUT UP MORONS ITS TOO FUCKING LOUD!!!!!" Bakugo screams at the top of his lungs.
"You're the loudest here" i chuckle at his anger.
"SHUT UP NERD" he basically growls before storming upstairs, presumably to his room.

I sit down in the sofa area, switching on the TV and sort of watching it but not really. There's an ambulance on the screen. I don't know why... i don't really care why.

"MUM PLEASE!" I shrink against the door. My body felt too weak to hit it anymore. Why is this ambulance taking so damn long?
"I can't do this without you"
I can't cry. Maybe it's the adrenaline. Maybe i'm still in disbelief that any of this is happening. Everything was so perfect an hour ago.
"Hold on... just a little bit... please"
I hear the paramedics kick open the front door.


I flinch and I'm snapped out of my flashback as Denki falls off of the table. I flick my head round, wide eyed, heart beating fast.
"You okay, L/N?"
I slowly rotate my head back around to Todoroki whos own eyes are placed on me, but his face is still inexpressive.
"Yeah.. yeah i'm good" i force a smile but it's obviously not convincing since he nods slightly, clearly sceptical, his eyes watching me closely, my every move.

"uhm i think i'm gonna shower then go to bed" he says calmly.
I nod, not really listening.
"You should probably sleep too" he looks at me sincerely, though i avoid his gaze and watch the floor.
"yeah, sure, i will"
"you will?" he crouches down and takes a hold of my wrist, making me to look at him "you will sleep?"
His eyes are flickering between both of mine. I pause for a moment, along with my heart but i quickly shake it off.
"I will."
Satisfied, he gets up, leaving me on the couch.

Does he care? Why would he care?

I shake my head and also stand up, walking to the girls shower room, opposite the boys. I grab a towel from the rack and step inside, undressing and then turning on the water. Once it heats up, i step under it, the water hits me and instantly relaxes me. The tension and tears i've held in up until that point blend into the rest of the falling water. I slide down the wall, hugging my legs when i reach the bottom.

I miss her so much. I miss her. I miss her. I just want a hug from her. There's nothing i wouldn't give to bring her back. i wish she didn't die that day.

I attempt to muffled my sobs as the water patters on the floor beside me.

I wish she got old like she was supposed to. Why so soon? Why did she leave me behind?

Before i knew it, 20 minutes had passed and I realised i was probably wasting the hot water. I turn it off quickly and wrap a towel around me.

Glancing in the mirror, i noticed my eyes were puffy so i took a small towel and ran it under cold water, holding it to my eyes.
As usual, it worked and I got today's old clothes, ready to leave.

Halfway through opening the door, i realised the boys' was propped open. I assume to let the steam out. Todoroki was stood, a towel wrapped around his lower half as he admired? no. examined himself in the mirror. He seems to be looking at his shoulder... i mean that is a huge bruise. I wonder where he got it from.

He turns briefly and catches me staring. I squeal and slam the door shut again. I feel my cheeks getting red hot as i gather up the old clothes i dropped on the floor.

I don't want to leave i'm so embarrassed. What if he thinks i was staring a different way? I cant leave. Oh. My. All Might.

I lean against the door. Maybe if i wait long enough he would've gone already? I cant stay in here forever... He's bound to see me at some point anyway.

I take a deep breath in and hold it as i creak the door open again.

Fuck it.

I swing it wide open.

"AH!" I scream but Todoroki covers my mouth with his right hand and pushes us back inside, closing the door behind him. I watch him wide eyed as he puts his left finger against his lip in a shushing motion.


He lets go of my mouth and sighs a sigh of relief.
"Wha-" i'm cut off.
I watch him, waiting.
"I saw you looking at this" he points to the massive bruise on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry i didn't mean it to come of creepy i was actually just worried like where did you get it from it must hurt like surely you-" i start to ramble.
"DONT- don't worry- okay?" his eyebrows furrow. I cant tell if they're angry or worried.
"O..kay?" I raise an eyebrow.

I shake my head violently "what are you doing in here? This is the girls room"
"Sorry." He says calmly. His face has returned to the infamous blank slate it was before.

What is his problem? Do his emotions just disappear or something?

I sigh "i'm gonna have to figure out how to sneak you out before everyone thinks something is happening. I crack the door open to check if the coast is clear.
"What would be happening?" He asks, completely clueless. I turn to face him "Come on, Todoroki, you're not thAt pure are you?"
"O- oh" his eyes flicker to the floor, pink dusting his cheeks.
I widen my eyes and turn away.

So he IS that pure?

I look back at him again but he's giving me a look which says 'deadass?'

So it WAS an act. I roll my eyes at him.

"Okay i'll leave and i'll knock on the door when it's safe to come out, okay?" I check. He nods, still unbothered as ever.
I open the door and walk out, watching both ends of the hallway before knocking quietly on the door.
Todoroki sneaks out, letting out a small chuckle as he tiptoes across the hall, back into the boys.

Okay... that was cute as fuck and for what?

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