As the driver helped her with her baggage, Kara took seat into the car, writing down the address for a hotel. "Can you bring me here?" Kara asked kindly, getting a nod from the driver and soon, they were off to the hotel. Right when the taxi parked in front of the entrance, Kara paid him and practically exited the car, getting her baggage, yelling a thank you towards the driver and made her way into the hotel. Quickly, she booked a room for a day and made her way to it. In the room, she washed herself off, changed into a fresh pair of her uniform and made sure she looked presentable. Looking at the time, she knew that her whole family must be at her house, the house Lena and she shared, with their adorable son. She then left the hotel, leaving her belongings in the room for the meantime and searched for the nearest flower shop. After a few minutes, she found one and found a beautiful bouquet of plumerias, Lena's favorite.

Finally, she made her way to the place she called home, jumping in her seat as she saw the house from afar. The taxi stopped, Kara paying him directly and said he should keep the change. She now stood in front of the house, taking deep breaths, trying to calm down her excitement. Lifting her hand, she knocked onto the wooden door, patiently waiting for it to open. After waiting for a few seconds, the door was swung open and Kara was met by the love of her life. Lena's eyes widen in shock, seeing her wife in front of her, whole and healthy. "Kara?" Lena whispered, cupping the blonde's cheeks, just making sure she wasn't dreaming. "It's me." Kara whispered, with teary eyes. The next thing she knew, a pair of soft lips met hers...And oh how much she had missed to lips...They felt like home. They kissed each other passionately, pouring all their love into the kiss.. The kiss had so many 'I missed you's' in them, so many 'I love you's'...So many pent up emotions. They finally broke the kiss, leaning onto each other's foreheads. Tears of happiness were streaming down their cheeks, as they looked into each others eyes. "I've missed you so much." Lena whispered, closing her eyes to cherish the moment. "I've missed you too." Kara answered, giving her wife a soft kiss onto the lips and gently handing her the plumerias. 

"Lena, who's at the do-." Alex immediately stopped asking, when she saw her baby sister standing on the door. "Kara!" Alex squealed, running to give her sister a bear hug. Kara chuckled and hugged back tightly, missing her sister so much. "You're back....I thought you wouldn't be back until end of this year?" Alex asked in disbelief, still trying to process that her sister was here...Well and alive. "I got an early leave." Kara answered simply, getting another tight hug from  Alex. "Tell them to make sure you always get an early leave." Alex joked, causing both Danvers sisters to chuckle. They broke the hug, and Kara entered the house, with Lena holding her hand tightly. Together they entered the dining room, soon to be met by Sam, Eliza and Jeremiah. "Kara!" They all simultaneously yelled in surprise, Kara getting soon attacked by a group hug from the three. They all started to chat, all having tears in theirs eyes as they greeted the soldier back home. Eliza pressured Kara to take a seat and eat something, but the youngest Danvers declined, saying she was full from the food in the plane...Which was technically not a lie.

Kara started to look around, searching for a particular person in the room, who was clearly not there. Lena sensed her wife's distress, and said: "I'll go get him." And then she walked up the stairs, clearly to get their son. In all honesty...Kara was nervous, very nervous. The thing is, Kayson Lucio Luthor-Danvers, was born while Kara was still in the military. She was filled with joy upon getting a letter from her wife, that their son was born healthy and even got a picture...But a part of her was sad, that she couldn't be there on that special day. And she never really met Kayson personally, and Kayson never his other parent...And a big part of her was heart broken that she had missed the first two years of his life. She wasn't there when he started to babble, she wasn't there when he made his first steps, she wasn't there when he had said is first word, she wasn't there on his first birthday, she wasn't there on his second, she wasn't there when he first got hurt and needed a kiss from mommy to make it all better...She simply wasn't there, and only got bits of his life...Would he even know she was his other parent? Would he even recognize her? She really didn't know...But she was about to find out.

She then saw Lena slowly walk down the stairs, with their son in her arms and Kara had to gasp....Their son looked beautiful, and was between a mix of Kara and Lena. He had Lena's raven black hair, Kara's piercing blue eyes and the rest of his face was a mix of them. Slowly Lena came closer and Kara stood up from her chair, now standing in front of her wife and son. "Look Kayson, look who's here." Lena cooed, pointing a finger towards Kara. The little boy looked at Kara, while Kara gave a soft smile, with teary eyes. Everyone in the room was quiet, almost as if they were holding their breath, while Kayson observed the person in front of him. "Mama?" Kayson asked, as he cupped Kara's cheeks, who was now letting her tears fall. "Yes, that's mama." Lena answered, and soon the toddler was squirming in her arms, trying to reach Kara with his short arms. "Mommy, want go to mama." He said, and Kara finally let out a breath she wasn't even aware she was holding. She gladly took her son in her arms, who immediately snuggled under her neck...And the sight made everybody's heart warm. "Missed you mama." Whispered Kayson, as he was once again cupping Kara's cheeks. "I missed you too, little one." Kara whispered, kissing her son's forehead. All her worries were gone, as she finally held her son for the first time...Everything she needed was right here, right here in this house she called home. 

To be continued...

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