𝐕| Craving the Foreign Oasis

Start from the beginning

Nayeli's jaw slacked, her cheeks growing warm, the seductive manner of Zaira's words causing unfamiliar feelings to stir inside her. Slowly, Nayeli stepped toward her, the 3ft distance they had going down by the second, Zaira becoming painfully aware of the lack of space between the two. As she watched her counterparts eyes begin to wander over her taller figure, teeth biting her irresistible lips ever so slightly, she grinned, closing the distance and placed her lips an inch before her ear "Mhmm. I'd be glad to." Nayeli whispered, Zaira shuddering slightly at the sudden warmth from the woman's breath conflicting the icy air of the night.

But in a second, the sudden warmth was replaced once again with the cold midnight air, colder this time after Zaira had been tempted with its warmth. 

"I'm speaking English, you hearing impaired buffoon. Let me explain it to you in a way your two brain cells can comprehend; Thank. You. For. Killing. Abramo. I swear if I have to explain it again, I won't be merciful this time," enunciated the thief who stole Zaira's remaining braincells, a slightly annoyed tone hiding the laughter that wished to burst out. 

Zaira's facial expression never faltered, but mentally she was annoyed at the woman for toying with her. She could kill her just for that. 

"Wait, what? B-But. T-the W-what?"she sputtered, confused at the sudden plot twist and slightly flustered, "you're with him thought right? Like you work for him?"

"Me. Working with him? Did you like lose a brain cell right now?"

"If you don't work for him, then who do you work for?"

"What makes you think I work for someone?" challenged Nayeli, her voice dropping slightly, a husk taking over, causing an unfamiliar feeling to ignite in Zaira once again, almost causing her to drop her act and pull the woman in by the vest that clung to her body.

"Because..... you just have to?"

"I'm my own boss."

The change in tone wasn't boding well with Zaira. Suddenly it felt like she no longer was in the chilly night in the crooked streets of Milan, rather dying in the Sahara.

Very thirsty.

  "Why did you want to kill Abramo?"

"Changing the subject I see-"

"Shut up and tell me," snapped Zaira, annoyed at the woman for distracting her, while Nayeli grinned, pleasantly surprised by the woman's attitude.

There was a look in Nayeli's eyes - one Zaira could not figure out - that caused Zaira's heart rate to skyrocket, her breathing deciding to hitch a ride along with it. She became painfully aware of how close they were, the streetlamp above them highlighting the scene as if they were in a play. Nayeli's shoes glimmered under the warmth of the streetlight, giving Zaira something to look at as to avoid the woman's gaze that bore through her. The shoes moved though, not backward like Zaira willed it to move, instead closer to her, closing the distance between them before once again she could feel the woman's warm breath.

She thanked whatever gods she had for the woman's breath smelling good - a welcome change compared to the usual beer and cigarette breath she was used to. 

"He offended the family," Nayeli whispered, voice dropping low, as if the woman knew what it did to Zaira.

Nayeli's eyes had never left hers, memorizing every detail in her hollowed ones. And that was what Zaira would use to her advantage. Ever so slowly, her hand began inching toward the hem of her dress, now that Nayeli was close enough to miss the small action, it was time for her plan to be put into action.

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