CHPT. 12 Sheer cold

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" 私は自分の気持ちで対立しています "


The boy in question flinched at the voice, hesitantly turning his head to meet the sight of a grinning blonde boy. A crooked smile one his face, he shook his head from his trembling hands.

"Sir Aether, what do I owe the pleasure of being greeted by the Honorary Knight?" He asked, resuming a more friendly and calm persona. Aether frowned at the formality, while Paimon giggled. "Uh~ You don't have to call me 'sir', kinda makes you sound like Xingqiu." Aether grumbled, making the boy raise a brow.


"He's a friend from Liyue!" The outlander grinned, brightly. Aether started to awkwardly scratch the back of his head, smiling nervously. "W-Would you like to go to Dragonspine with me? I-IT'S FINE IF YOU WON'T!" He frantically yelled, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment. Paimon deadpanned at him, rolling her eyes.

Noir covered a laugh, "Sure. But why would you need me to go with you?" He questioned.

"Oh! It's cause you said that you're looking clues about the Sceo Archon, right? Well, I think we can find remains of records there."

Noir internally cringed, had he just excused himself in the interrogation with Lisa and said that he merely wanted to go to Mond, he wouldn't have been in this situation. Smiling awakeardly, he nodded his head as to not cover any suspicion. "O-Of course!" It was a lie. He wasn't comfortable being around Aether and Paimon, it just struck to many good memories that it would have him bawling his eyes out.

"Yay~ now that we got Noir to come, let's go see Albedo!" Paimon cheered, not noticing the albino flinch at the name.

Albedo... I had first thought of him as nuuicance but... His train of thoughts trailed of, as his eyes suddenly flashed gold. Noir had been skeptical about an Alchemist studying his abode, but it seems like Albedo was something else.

Nyx had said that it would be better if I see him for myself, though it is worrying that she sounded quite unsure of herself. He thought, following up the trail that Aether lead him through. As he thought more deeply into the Alchemist, he didn't notice his surroundings.

"Noir! Watch out!!" Aether called, as Cryo Lawachurls hurled his fist to the dazed boy.

Noir blinked out of his stupor, side-glancing at the Lawachurls who slammed his fist on the ground. Bursts of ice emerged from the ground, but he held noncholance. Raising a hand, the supposed vision hanging of his belt let out an ominous feeling. Tendrils of shadows shot out from the ground, shattering the ice and tightly wrapping around the Lawachurls.

"Begone." He whispered, his hand closing into a fist and the Lawachurls was ripped apart. Noir stared emotionless at the dead monster, watching it turn into black dust.

"I should have brought a sword..." He murmured to himself, almost forgetting about the duo that was staring at him in shock. He blinked in surprise, before silently scolding himself.

I got to into the moment... He sighed, patting of the nonexistent dust from his clothes. He sheepishly grinned at the shocked duo. Their jaws were hanging open, as they stared at him wide-eyed. It made Noir quite uncomfortable.

"That was so~ cool! Paimon thought you were a goner!" The floating fairy exclaimed, her eyes shining in amazement but made her quite wary. She had automatically placed him at the top of her list of people not to anger, thus pushing Diluc to second.

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐒.   genshin impactHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin