CHPT. 29 It's been too long, old friend

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Aether sighed, as he was sat on the floor of the ruins. His energy was completely depleted and was surprised to see Noir perfectly fine. In fact, the Reisender was able to heal some of the injuries he gained due to the battle. 

He would be lying if he wasn't shuddering the entire time he was being healed. The power of Sceo just felt so ominous on his skin, having small similarities to the corruption of the statue of the seven. But even Nyx's powers were completely different from his.

It felt... Similar to Venti's aura.

"Are you well enough to walk now? We're close to the exit."

Noir asked, kneeling to face Aether. His expression held worry for the traveler, as he knew that the boy was uncomfortable with his element. Who wouldn't? It was the element that represents Chaos.

Aether hesitantly nodded, "I think so. I'm not that tired, so no need to worry! You've healed me after all."

His bright smile comparable to the sun had Noir chuckling under his breath. Such a cheerful and bright personality... unfortunately this world might taint that.

"C'mon now, dear. Let's get out of this bloody place."

Offering the traveler a hand, Noir grinned lazily at him. Aether gladly took his hand, pulling himself up with Noir's help.

"Too bad we couldn't get some treasure... But Paimon guesses that the Abyss order's treasure is gonna be weird."

Paimon whined, pouting at the loss of any precious gems or chests of Mora they could have found. But as she said, the abyss order's treasure might not be to their liking.

"Paimon, please do not try to take any of the Abyss's treasure. They might curse you."

"Waah!! The abyss order is evil!"


As they swiftly leave the ruins, Aether let out a breath of relief to feel the fresh air. It felt too suffocating inside the ruins. 

"Hmm... what did Noir want to check? Paimon just noticed that he something and went to check." 

"I don't know really. Noir becomes more and more mysterious as time passes." Aether admitted, wondering what the Reisender was doing. His entire being was a mystery. It was already suspicious that the forgotten element that has not appeared after 500 years just returned with only two people. 

Not to mention how the said pair weren't really curious of the Archon they supposedly follow. As more time passed, Aether had begun to notice how uninterested Noir was with the topic of the Sceo Archon. Even though he had claimed to travel to learn about him.

He had only realized how suspicious the Reisenders really were.

"So we meet again, a little sooner than I had expected."

Aether's eyes widen at the voice, turning around to be greeted by a familiar man. 

"Hey, it's dain!" Paimon cheered, excitedly waving her arm in the air. 

"Judging by your expression, it seems you just experienced something quite strange. Could it be that you encountered an Abyss Herald in those ruins?" Dainsleif asked, placing his hand under his chin.

"uh!? How did you know that?"

Dainsleis simply answered her by explaining that he had been following the Herald. Thus leading him to the ruins they had just exited.

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