Your care is what I fell for

Start from the beginning

The doctor started to check on the Super's vitals, pleased that they were all normal. "Uhh, where am I?" Kara asked, wanting to know where she is. The woman looked at her and gave soft smile. "You are in Luthor Metropolis hospital." Answered the doctor, sitting down onto the sit beside the hospital bed. Kara's eyes widen, not that she was against the Luthors. No, she just remembered that next week she would have an interview with the new CEO of LuthorCorp. "Oh, I thought I was back in National City." Kara rubbed her neck awkwardly, making the doctor chuckle. "Well that wasn't the action I thought coming from a Super." She stated, making Kara confused at first before understanding what she meant. "I mean, it's wrong to blame just a name. I know my cousin and Lex Luthor don't have the best history, but it's still wrong to blame a name. I believe the new CEO would be amazing, and I do hope that she or he would be different from the rest of their family." The Super answered, seeing the eyes of the doctor getting teary. "I already like you Supergirl." Kara couldn't help but chuckle, she wanted to answer back, only to notice she didn't get the doctor's name. "Miss, what is your name?" Kara asked, seeing the panic rise in the doctor's eyes.

She started to contemplate if she should reveal her name, because if she did it may cause havoc. But seeing how Supergirl is, her worries subsided. "I'm...I'm Lena Luthor." Lena answered sheepishly, waiting for an answer from the Super. Kara was surprised, and felt honored to finally meet the new CEO. "Miss Luthor! It's such an honor to meet you." Kara greeted cheerfully, taking Lena by surprise....She definitely did not expect such a welcoming answer. The Super gave her hand to shake, despite having those cables around her arm? She had no idea what to call them. Lena hesitantly shook the Super's hand, kind of shocked on how soft they are....So powerful, yet has the softest hands she has ever felt. They smiled at each other, both feeling this little blot of electricity going through their arms...

"I definitely never thought Supergirl would be this kind." Lena joked, making both laugh. "I like to make everyone feel welcome. I'm not my cousin, I don't judge by peoples looks, names or whatever unnecessary there is to judge." Kara answered truthfully, noticing the little heart rate spike from Lena. They looked at each other in utter admiration and probably something more...But sadly their moment has been ruined, when one of the nurses came in. "Doctor Luthor, there is an emergency in room 35B." Kara saw the worry in the Luthor's eyes, finding her heart fluttering about the Luthor's thoughtfulness. "I'll be there." She answered, giving Kara an apologizing look. "It's okay, go save lives Miss Luthor." The Super gave an encouraging smile, making  the Luthor's heart flutter in a different way.

Lena left the room, leaving Kara alone for a time. The Super started to notice that she had stitches and wounds on her body, clearly a sign that she wasn't fully healed yet. And by the looks of it, she wouldn't get back in National City anytime soon. Kara started to look around for her suit, wanting to call Alex, but it wasn't anywhere to be seen. She pressed the help button, and soon a nurse came in. "Is everything alright Supergirl?" The nurse asked and Kara ave a welcoming smile. "Yes, I just wondered where my suit is?" The nurse nodded, quickly leaving the room, coming back after a few minutes with a clean suit. "Here you go." She handed Kara the suit and boots. "Thank you." Kara thanked, looking through her boot to find her phone. "Is there anything else that you might need?" The nurse asked, and just then Kara's stomaches growled. "I think a large amount of food would be great." Kara said awkwardly, kind of embarrassed. The nurse couldn't help but chuckle, but nodded and soon leaving the room.

Kara searched around her suit for her phone, only to find it cracked. "Damn it.." Cursed Kara, only to be shocked when she heard a familiar voice say: "Looking for something." There stood doctor Lena 'breathtaking' Luthor on the door, a tray of food following right behind her. Kara smiled, happy to see her now favorite doctor. "Yeah, my phone is cracked and I can't call someone." Kara didn't want to mention the DEO yet, not because she doesn't trust Lena, she just doesn't want to get killed by Alex. "You can use my phone?" Lena suggested, but Kara had to decline, it could get a little problematic. "It's okay,  they'll find me or I'll just tell them when I'm healed again." Right then the tray of food was laid to the table nearby, making Kara drool...Kind of. Lena nodded, taking a seat near to the bed, finding it adorable how the Super stuffed her mouth with food. Who knew that Supergirl was such a foodie? "Bon appétit." Lena teased, causing Kara to blush. "Sorry I'm just really hungry." The Super said sheepishly, and Lena just laughed. "It's okay, enjoy it." Like that, Kara went back to eating.

They started to have a light conversation, mostly about Supergirl's healing process. "The more sun I get, the faster I can heal. Right now I'm getting rather less, so that's why I'm healing quite slow." Kara said, while biting her fifth sandwich? Lena and her lost count. "How long do you think it would take?" Lena asked worried, gently grabbing the Super's arm. Kara was now blushing and thanked Rao that nobody could her her heart beating out of her ribcage...Wait, the heart monitor. Lena heard how fast the heart monitor went up, instantly getting worried and letting go of Kara's arm. Kara saw there panic in the doctor's eye, trying to find a way to sooth her. "It's okay, I was just taken by surprise." Kara answered, Lena scanned her face, trying to find any hate or distaste, but found nothing but care and admiration. "And to answer your question from before. It would take me about two days to heal in this speed." Kara answered, and Lena nodded kind of relieved the Super was okay.

They continued to have conversations everyday, until Kara would be fully healed. Kara's heart  would fill with warmth when she would see Lena caring for her, checking her wounds, vitals, feeding her lots of food...Every single second she could feel how she was slowly falling for the Luthor. Every night she would dream of holding Lena in her arms, protecting her from this cruel world, kiss her as if it were their last kiss...Ugh, so many wants, so many fantasies, so many dreams. For once, she had this feeling that she has finally found the love she's been waiting for her whole life...

It was the day Kara was fully healed, all her powers were back and there was no wound in sight, only smooth soft skin. She was ready to leave, but Kara didn't want to, she wanted to stay here with Lena. "You're all set to go." Lena said, holding a board clip, clearly with all of Kara's treatments and food. "Uh, yeah." Kara said, very disappointed that she had to leave so soon. Lena noticed the sadness behind the Super's voice. "Is everything okay Supergirl?" Lena asked, watching as Supergirl put on her cape. "Huh? Yeah everything's okay." Kara lied, not wanting to bring up her hopes. Lena didn't buy it and raised her signature eyebrow, which made Kara legs feel like jelly. "Okay...I'm not ready to leave." Spergirl answered truthfully, looking everywhere but Lena. "Why? I mean you can stay here, but I'm sure National City needs it's hero." Lena said, walking towards Kara. But deep down she herself wasn't ready yet to leave the Super, not yet. Kara finally looked into emerald eyes, and kew she had to say it. "Lena...I don't want to leave, because I fell for you. Your care is what I fell for and I have this huge urge to kiss your...Your kissable lips. I don't want to leave, without knowing if you feel the same." Kara said those words with so much love and truth. She waited for an answer, only to be met by silence. "I'm so-." Kara didn't get the chance to finish her sentence, when a soft pair of lips where on hers.

Their kiss was filled with passion, and maybe already with love...With many feelings that can't be described with words. Kara held Lena by the waist, pulling her impossibly closer, while Lena cupped Kara's cheeks. They kissed and kissed, till oxygen was a problem. Emerald eyes looked into ocean eyes, their eyes filled with so many emotions that have yet to be discovered. Both of their faces having huge smiles, while breathing heavily. Gently, Lena rubbed her thumb on Kara's cheek. "You aren't the only one..." She said gently, kissing Kara once more....And perhaps more in the future.

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