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The entire next day, Jimin couldn't bring himself to answer Jungkook's calls, too upset to do so. He was crying on and off, mostly to the point where he stared to get a headache.

Once Jungkook got a bit of free time in the afternoon, he decided to call Jin instead, utterly confused as to why Jimin wouldn't answer the phone. Jungkook was even contemplating on if he should go home early, afraid something bad indeed happened to Jimin.

"Jin?" Jungkook spoke as soon as he picked up. "Oh, hi! What's up?" Jin answered. "C-Can you call Jimin to check in on him and make sure he's alright? I tried calling all last night and all today but he wouldn't answer my calls or text. It's really unlike him to do that. I'm really worried about him." Jungkook quickly rambled.

"Yeah, sure. That's weird, Jimin was just over my house yesterday afternoon. Something couldn't have happened to him in that short amount of time..." Jin frowned slightly.

"Well, I'll give him a call and I'll let you know if everything is alright." He assured. "Thank you so much." Jungkook said before hanging up.

He sat in his hotel room, starting to panic because he didn't know what was going on.

Jimin groggily picked up his phone as Jin's designated ringtone blared throughout the bedroom. Hesitantly, he answered, sniffling softly as he listened for Jin's voice.

"Hey, Jiminie? Are you doing alright? Jungkook told me he tried to call you all last night and today. He's really worried about you. How come you're not answering his calls or texts?" Jin wondered.

"I-It doesn't matter, okay? I don't wanna t-talk about it." The boy hiccuped.

"Aww, come on don't be like this. Jungkook loves you more than anything right about now. He sounded so worried." Jin urged.

"Please don't call me about him again." Jimin responded before hanging up. Just then, Jungkook called and Jimin accidentally answered assuming it was Jin calling back.

"Baby, are you okay? Why are you ignoring me? Is everything alright back at home?" Jungkook spoke quickly. Jimin hung up almost instantly, switching his phone onto d.n.d.

He slowly sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed to get up and go make something to eat. As Jimin was making his way down the stairs to head to the kitchen, he felt a sudden sharp pain jolt through his abdomen and chest.

It persisted every few seconds, Jimin knowing it couldn't be contractions because it felt terribly abnormal and painful to be that.

It brought him to tears, struggling to stay on his feet as the pain increased significantly. He ended up laying down on the kitchen floor, crying as he picked up the phone to call an ambulance.

After that, he called Jin to tell him what was going on so suddenly.

"What? What do you mean?" Jin sounded panicked. "Jin, i-it hurts so bad." Jimin cried. "Did you call an ambulance?" He asked. "Yeah, I was just letting you know because I don't know what's going on or if I'm dying or something-" "Please, you're not dying." Jin wanted to laugh.

"You d-don't know that!" Jimin hiccuped. "You tell Jungkook? Have you talked to him yet? Please talk to him, Jimin. Oh, hold on he's calling me now. Please try and calm down a little until the ambulance gets there." Jin quickly said before hanging up.

Jin then answered Jungkook's call. "Hey, is Jimin okay? He answered my call then hung up on me. Do you know why he won't talk to me?" Jungkook tried.

"Well no, but I think you should come home early. Jimin's going to the hospital, he started getting really bad abdominal and back pains. They aren't contractions though so he's really scared." Jin explained.

That was enough to help Jungkook decide that he'd go home early so he could find out what happened to the younger and hopefully find out why he was being ignored so suddenly.


Jimin woke up that evening, almost forgetting what happened until he noticed his doctor beside him, words muffled as he started coming back to his senses.

"Jimin, how are you feeling?" She asked. "Um, better." Jimin murmured. "You were showing signs of stress, Jimin. If this continues, you could lose your daughter." His doctor said.

Jimin's eyes widened a bit as he started to tear up again. He didn't think Jungkook had made him that upset.

"Oh..." Was all he could let out. "We're gonna keep you here overnight just to monitor you and the baby. Get some rest for now and try not to think about whatever's been making you feel upset." She suggested before leaving the room.

Jimin noticed his phone on the small stand beside the bed, reaching for it. He had twenty-three missed calls from Jungkook.

Jimin set it back down, turning over on his side to go to sleep. It'd been such a long day and he was physically and emotionally drained.

Sadly, as much as Jimin tried, he couldn't get to sleep. His phone ended up ringing around midnight, answering because he didn't feel like ignoring Jungkook anymore.

"Baby, are you okay? I'm coming home early, okay? I should be back in the morning. Why'd you have to go to the hospital? Are you still there?" Jungkook panicked.

"Y-Yeah." Jimin whispered out. "I love you, okay? I wish you'd tell me what's going on..." Jungkook tried to get a little bit of truth out of him.

"Bye." Jimin simply responded before hanging up.

"H-He didn't say it back." Jungkook murmured to himself.

Jimin closed his eyes, focusing on going to sleep so he could at least get a little bit of rest before he had to confront Jungkook the next day.

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