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we all took our time putting up each tent. there was 4 tents. enough for 2 to 3 people in each. sunghoon jay and ni-ki were in one, jungwon and sunoo were in another, jake and heeseung were together and of course I get my own.

after we finished we went around the abandoned trail and went for a walk to collect some wood for the fire. we all got along very well during the walk and we all took a handful each of wood.

we strolled back and placed the wood down where we decided to have the fire. the tents were surrounding the fire and there was long pieces of wood to sit down on.

jake brought a football of course and we had time to have some matches.

the full moon was out, up high in the clear sky. the starts was surrounding us and the moon was reflecting off the stilled lake. it was calm. it was peaceful. a you can hear was the crackling of the fire and some owls hooting. while the boys were making the food I went to the edge of the lake and just sat there admiring the view.

as I close my eyes and take a deep breath of fresh air. I sear footsteps coming up behind me. the male sat down next to me. i look at him and he looks back, giving away a smirk.

"how are you enjoying the trip so far" ni-ki asked, gazing at the moon.

"it's fun. I'm really enjoying this" I look up, giving a smile and ni-ki looks at me. I think he's happy I chose to join them. 

we got called from the distance saying that our food is ready for us to eat. we got up and went over to the others and sat down. we ate our food and we all ended up in a food coma. there was no service here so we couldn't go on our phones that much. so we all got to know each other even more until it got dark. never knew that was even possible.

heeseung went to the food storage thingy and grabbed a huge bag of marshmallows and the metal sticks to put them on. he jumped around like a child and not to mention he was meant to be the oldest.

we all got excited and took a metal stick each and grabbed 2 marshmallows. we all put it on the stick and put it over the fire. some of ours caught on fire but that was the best part.

we all started to eat it and ni-ki was so happy on how it tasted for him.

"wow neomu joh-a" he said while his eyes lit up and looked towards me. (i k know yall are thinking about that video ;) but sadly I cant put it on here because it's too long :(

you look back at him and smile as you eat your marshmallows. everyone us enjoying themselves and so are you. you've never felt so happy like you are now in a very long time. you look around to see 7 beautiful boys smiling which made you smile.

you all ended up staying up late. you all said your good nights and went off to your tents. you went to yours and you got ready to go to sleep since you you were really tired and you were forcing your eyelids to stay open. you got dressed and went in your red sleeping bag. it was do comfortable and warm and you could fall asleep in minutes. but you didn't. you tossed and turned but after a bit which seemed like hours you fell asleep.

uh you're such a brat. how could I ever be friends with you, all you do is just ask for fucking attention to make you feel bad. you think ik always gonna be here for you, believe everything you say about your mom. dont ever call my own mother eomma shes my mother not yours. you dont deserve to live.

hyunjin what's wrong with you, what the fuck did I do to you to make you hate me all of a sudden.

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