◤Welcome to Gracefield◢

Start bij het begin

I patted the floor around me pretending I didn't know where the stick was in a frantic manner while still holding tightly to my stuffed bear, the boy with platinum hair gave it back to me as I scrambled back up onto my feet

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I patted the floor around me pretending I didn't know where the stick was in a frantic manner while still holding tightly to my stuffed bear, the boy with platinum hair gave it back to me as I scrambled back up onto my feet.

"Emma, you're frightening her." the boy with platinum hair said with a chuckle. He looks at me. "Can you hear me? My name is Norman." blue eyes, err, Norman told me.

"I know, I'm blind, not deaf." maybe that was a stupid thing to say, but at least my sarcasm sticks with me like glue better than anything else about me.

"Haha, right. Anyways," the boy with one eye walks up beside him. "This is Ray."

One eye raises his hand with a stoic expression. "Yo."

Norman continues, "And you already know Emma. Would you like a tour? At least, the best one we can provide?" I nod.

He seems nice.

Not sure about the one-eyed emo boy over there, but hopefully he'll talk to me sometime.

Emma takes my hand again and almost keeps "accidentally" leading me into wall corners or doors.

"Ah, Emma, maybe Ray and I should take it from here." Norman offers as he takes my hand and they lead me through the rest of the house.

Why are his hands so cold?

Did he deep soak his hands in ice water or something?

Their version of giving a blind person a tour was bringing me to a room and letting me touch all around that room to get a familiar sense of the room and its surroundings. I made sure to trail my hand along all of the walls to sense any bumps or imperfections so I can use that to my advantage later.


By the time the day ends, I visit Isabella in her office after the kids go to bed. Once I close the door to her office, I throw the stick aside and walk to her mini closet. I open it and find the box full of mints she told me about. I rummage through before finding my all-time favourite kind of minty sweet.

A candy cane.

With the candy cane already unwrapped and in my mouth I sit on her office couch.

"How was your first day here?" Isabella spoke in a hushed voice.

"It would have been fine if Emma didn't keep accidentally ramming me into wall corners. Do you know how hard it is to not correct myself when walking with her?"

Isabella chuckled at my words, I couldn't tell if she thought I was joking or not. I bit down on the icy treat, already half finished.

"Well, Emma is quite spirited." Isabella's eyes darkened when the candle lighting lowered from the breeze.

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu