Chapter 30

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the next day*
Erin's pov:The morning came around and the sun was shining through the balcony doors in our apartment. I was laying down watching Jay sleep as his giant arms wrapped around my waist. I wanted to get up but I couldn't cause I didn't want to make him up so I just payed there.
J-What you thinking about
E-oh Morning my sleepy handsome man
J-Morning gorgeous
Jay and I got out of bed and he went in the shower and I went to get coffee but that's what he thought. I walked into the bathroom to see Jays boxers on the floor cause that's all he wears when he goes to bed. So I stripped down into nothing opened the shower and wrapped my hands around jay.
E-Hey baby
J-Hey you saving water
E-something like that *she giggled*
Jay and I had a little fun in the shower then got out and ready for the day.
Jays pov: I called hank and told him what's going on and that Erin and I will be late for work and he said that we are doing a good thing. I texted Emma to find out what time and she said 10:30. It was 9:30 so we still had an hour so Erin and I went to eat donuts for the kids once Erin finished putting makeup on.
10:30 came around and we arrived at the school an we saw Emma standing outside waiting for us.
J-Hey this is my partner E...
Em-Omg Erin is that really you
E-Hey Em it's been. While
*they hug*
Em-You never told me jay your partner is my long time bestfriend
J-ahah well I only found out once I got home
E-Yh Jay and I are dating
Em-surprised hank let that happen
J-Yeh well it's a long story
*They all laugh*
J-shall we go in
Em-Erin Eloise will be excited to finally meet you.
E-she remembers me
Em-Yeh I have pictures of me you and Eric and she always asks who is that. Then I told her the story and she super excited the day she will meet you.
E-Haha well let's go surprise her
*they went in*
General pov:Elosie stood at the front as she was gonna introduce them.
T-Now we are gonna have Elosie stand up and explain who she brought as hers is different.
El-Well yesterday I saw a deceive who works where my dad used to work and he said he will come in with his partner who I haven't met yet but his name is Jay.
*Jay and Erin came in*
El-Erin! *she runs up to Erin and hugs her*
E-Hey you have grown so much
El-You look exactly how my mummy describes you
El-so this is Jay and Erin.and Erin used to be partners with my dad
J-Hey we brought donuts
*They all ate donuts*
J-My name is Detective Jay halstead and this is my partner detective Erin Lindsay.
*They explained what they do*
E-so any question
S-who drives
J-so normally partners take it in turn but for us Erin doesn't let me drive
J-Yh Erin why
E-well I'm a better driver than him
J-she doesn't want to see how amazing I am
*they all laugh and Erin play punches Jay. They were all laughing when out of nowhere they heard a shot.*
Then the next minute they radioed "10-1-10-1 shots fired at the police.officer down I repeate officer down"

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