Chapter 12

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*6 months later*
Erin's pov:we were all sitting at our desks bored as ever till ruzek threw paper at me so jay defended me.
J:How dare you throw paper at my girl.
A:You wanna go at it jay huh
Jay and Adam both got up started to play fight then I got up and went to jay and said it's cute how you are protecting me but really jay fighting? I say to him they all laughed till Hank came out to ruin the fun and told me and jay to go get some food for everyone so that's what we did.when we got in the car I told jay "it's was kinda sexy you protecting me from paper"I will protect you from anything baby cause your my girl and no one will ever take you from me"Jay has said we then kissed passionately till I pulled apart and said we can carry this on when we get to your place. And with that we finally left to get food as I was driving jay put his hand on my thigh and I found it cute.we pull up to the place and go order everyone's food till me and jay heard shots being fired.we told everyone stay inside and hide.Before we went in I called it in.*shots fired at and by the police need back ASAP " I called into my radio and before I enter I told jay to be careful and he did the same. CHICAGO PD guyss down and get on the floor but no one listens it's hot quite then they started blasting their guns at me and jay I thought I was gonna die. I was on one side of the room jay on the other.i was terrified I was gonna die.evey direction there were bullets.Jay came running towards me through the bullets .i was surprised but glad none hit him.tears were forming into my eyes knowing I wasn't gonna be able to kids with the love of my life. But then jay grabbed me made me duck and covered me with his muscular body.His arms around my tiny waste as I layer on his chest tightly.His shits began to fill with my tears. BANG!Jay got shot in the arm.i told him let me look at it but he was stubborn and told me not to move.He said it was just a graze. Jay told me to close my eyes and block my ears so I did. I heard faint gunshots then I I heard nothing.jay dropped his gun and picked me up. "Hey baby its all over they are all dead" jay said he hugged me so tight as I cried into his neck. I love you so much handsome I told jay.Thankyou for saving me!Hey I will save you a million times if I have to I just want you to always come back to me because your my girl.The team can in with SWAT and they were all confused.
H:where are all the other shooters im pretty sure there isn't only three
J:Your right there was 7 but the rest are in hospital with a gunshot wound
A: 7 men and guy took them down
H:all in your own?
E:no jay did it on his own while protecting me and shooting them all, some one take a loot at jays arm he was shot
J:I'm fine it's just a graze
H:wow halstead well done
E:Hay Halstead saves my life

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