Chapter 28

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Erin's pov.I didn't have work today but jay did so he left for work. I took the twins to got food shopping with me while  jay was at work. I cleaned the house and organised jay and i's room and helped the twins clean their room as well.
Jays pov: I woke up early as I had work but I had to be careful not to wake her up as she didn't.i showered ate and before I left I gave Erin a kiss on her head I left. At work we did some paper work for a couple hours and we were messing around with the guys.
It was a couple hours later I offered to pick up some lunch for all of us so I went to subway and gave our orders. Then left. As I waked back I saw a litttle girl run up to me.
Little girl- Eloise
El- are you police
E-Hey sweetheart lets let him do his work I'm sorry
J-no she is all good I sure am and what's your name cutie
El-I'm Eloise and my dad was a police as well
J-was he now
El-But now he is a angel in the sky
J-He is oh well you better behave cause he can still lock you up
*elosie got a little sad*
J-hey why you sad
E-it's being you dad to work day tomorrow and she was excited to tell everyone he was a police
El- yes I wanted to show everyone
J-Hey how about I could come as I have no work and I can bring my partner as well if that's okay with your mum
El-really mummy please
E-I can't ask you it's to much
J-no honestly I insist
E-okay Thankyou
*elosie giggled*
As she giggled the I heard a car speeding and looked up and saw. Gun and a bullet coming out towards the girl.
I pushed her to the ground and covered her to make sure the bullet didn't hit her. The bullet hit me on the best so I was lucky.
E-oh my god
J-Hey are you guys okay
E-Thankyou for saving my little girl
J-of course ,is she okay
E-Yh just a few cuts and scratches but she will be fine
J-alright you guys get going and be safe here is my card if you need to call and see you tomorrow
E-Thankyou bye
We caught the guy and locked him up. I left and went home to Erin. The twins were staying at will and nats so it was just me and Erin. It was late so I knew Erin would be in bed so I took my pants and T-shirt off and got in bed in just my boxers. Erin wrapped her arm around me and I winced a little as that is where the bullet hit.
E-hey babe you okay
J-Yh I'm im fine
E-stop lying you just winced when I touched your back.Turn around right now
J-fine *I turned around*
E-Babe you have bruises in your back what happened

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