The long lost kitten 2

Start from the beginning

Cat helped her daughter get her stuff, quickly cleaned the office, got her things and informed her assistant that she would take a few days off. And like that, they headed to Kara's loft.

The drive was quite short, since it wasn't rush hour time. With traffic it would usually take 25 minutes to Kara's loft...Sometimes they say National City is worse that New York. Cat parked the car and helped her daughter out of the vehicle. They entered the apartment building and Cat wondered how Kara could live in a building without an elevator. An elevator would be very useful, mostly when her daughter is injured. After how many countless steps, they finally arrived in front of Kara's apartment door. The younger blonde took her keys and opened the door. Both entered the apartment and Cat directly demanded her daughter to go get changed and get comfortable...If looks could kill, I think Kara wouldn't be alive. Kara had no other choice but to oblige, while her mom prepare some food and tea...Tea is a must, according to Cat Grant herself.

When Kara came back, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, she plopped on the couch and made herself comfortable. Soon Cat came with a few snacks and hot tea, making Kara smile, despite being in pain...Those bruises were terrible. They are and drank, Cat asking a few questions about yesterdays attack, because deep down she knew it was important for Kara o have someone to talk to. Then it got quiet for a little while, till Cat asked: "Kara, honey, you never told me about your life in the orphanage." Kara's facial expression was unreadable, and Cat was afraid that she hurt Kara. Before he could even reply, Kara already answered: "Mom, it's okay. I just don't like to talk about that part of my life. But I want you to know everything about me, and that also means about my most painful part of my life." Cat gently grabbed Kara's uninjured hand, soothing her. Kara didn't know what to say, so she just went for it:

"Please...Please stop." A four year old Kara begged. The punches were getting too much, and she could feel how her whole body ached. But nobody stopped, the kids just kept on beating her, laughing at her, calling her names like 'Freak' 'Loser' 'Loner', till they didn't have a place to cover her with bruises anymore...And left the little girl on the ground. Kara had tears in her eyes and just looked as the kids just walked away, not caring to look back nor even check if she was still alive. She laid there on the ground, trying to endure the pain that was roaming through her body. Deep down she hoped that at least someone would come and help her, but the longer she waited, the more her hope faded away.

The next day Kara didn't dare to go to the cafeteria. Her arms, legs, face...Everything was covered in green, purple bruises. Other kids have noticed how bad she looked, but didn't care to go get help. While all the other kids went to eat, she sat on her bed, crying. She cried and cried, till her eyes were burning from all the tears. She then looked at her bruised body, and felt new tears building in the corner of her pained blue eyes. Eventually after all the crying, she got so exhausted and fell asleep.

But that horrible tragedy wasn't near ending.

The next week, when the most bruises on her body have been healed, she had the guts to go out and play. She took some paint, paper and pens from the arts room and walked outside. Outside she searched for a nice place to paint and found a beautiful tree. It was perfect to paint. She made herself comfortable and started to draw the outskirts of the tree with her pencil. It was peaceful, but that peace lasted only for a short while. "What ya doing there loser?" A kid asked and took the drawing from Kara. "Hey! Give it back!" Kara demanded and tried to get her drawing back, but the kids would pass it around one another, making it impossible for Kara to get it back. "This drawing is hideous!" One of the kids commented, showing their disgust. Then one replied: "Yeah! It's horrible! Why are you even drawing when you can't even draw a tree!" Those words cut through Kara's heart, and tears were now streaming down her cheeks. "Please stop!" She yelled. It clearly annoyed the kids, so they tore her drawing apart, letting it fall on the ground...And that broke Kara's heart. Suddenly one of the older kids just grabbed her, pulling her back to the house, while the others just yelled: "Lock her in! Locker her in!" At first she didn't know what they meant by that, until she was shoved into a dark, dusty room. Desperately she ran to the door, but it was locked in front of her face...Leaving her in this dark, dusty room, filled with unknown things. She held her ear to the door and heard how they laughed, now she was trying to get out, banging the door with her fists, but that only made them laugh even more.

Soon their laughter faded in the background and she was left with utter silence and darkness.

She sat in the corner of the room, pulling her knees to her chest and cried. She was afraid of the dark, and the room was so quiet that she started to hallucinate. In her mind she started to hear whispers, threats or dark figures standing in the other corner of the room....It scared her and made her shake in fear. Her breathes became uneven, and she felt like she were suffocating.

It felt like hours in there, but to be honest she might have been there for days. She missed the warmth of the sun, the chirping of the birds or the rustles from the trees. But finally someone opened the door and found the little girl in the corner, looking pale and drained.

Finally this torture was over she thought, but that was only the beginning.

Kids continued to bully her for years. They would beat her, till she felt like dying. They would lock her up in that room, till she would die out of thirst or hunger. They continued that everyday, making it become a routine. Beating up, locking up, beating up, locking up...It continued and continued, and nobody dared to help her, not even the adults. She felt completely helpless and the light in her heart, slowly turned to darkness.

It just continued and continued. Even the adults started to use that as a punishment to Kara. When she would accidentally drop a glass, she would get locked up in that dark room. When she wouldn't clean like they want her to, locked up. And the other kids would use this to their advantage. Whatever happened in thew orphanage, it was Kara's fault. It was Kara, Kara dropped it, Kara damaged it, it was Kara, Kara, Kara. Kara became the scapegoat in the orphanage.

Whenever she was in that dark room, she wished that one day, one day she would be freed from this horrible place. And that little hope she still had in her, was the hope to be free one day. Freedom. Was what she desperately wanted. She wished that for years, till one day...Finally after so many torturing years, she was finally freed. That was the day, when the Danvers adopted her...

Cat gave her daughter a tight hug and cried. They cried together, and Cat soothed Kara with soft rubs on her back. "That's the reason why I'm claustrophobic." Kara said through sobs, hugging her mom tighter. "I'm so sorry you had to for through that, honey." Cat whispered and kissed her daughter's forehead. Why did they torture such a beautiful soul? Why did they bring her down? Why? Was all Cat could think. And the thought made her angry, it made her fume with anger. This child has lost so much, since she was a baby and those people had the guts to torture her. "It's gotten better over the years. I still have nightmares form time to time, but much better than before." Kara said and Cat just gave a sad smile. "I'm sorry that I couldn't be there, when you needed me the most." Cat had this urge to apologize, because deep down she blames herself for the pain she inflicted on her daughter. Kara gave a sad smile back and once again, hugged her mom tight. "Don't be sorry." She whispered, but Cat shook her head. "I should be. If I was more careful that night, you wouldn't have to go through that." Tears were falling from Cat's eyes and Kara wiped it away. "Don't be sorry. Because I have everything I've wished for....I've been finally found, after being lost for many years." Kara said and hugged her mother tight, not wanting to let go ever again.

After all of those torturing years of being lost, she was finally found.

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