Glaiza smiled a sweet smile before the two silently began to eat, occassionally joining in the conversation with the group. The rich girl made sure that the other girl is well tended and comfortable, averting her eyes from her friends and back to Glaiza every minute.

After the break, the talent show resumes. Glaiza was 6th to perform, so it would take a while before its her turn. During the 4th performer, Jason arrived and was greeted by the group, before he sat next to Rhian, greeting her with a quick peck on her cheek.

"Sorry, I'm late. I got caught up on something." Jason apologized.

Glaiza discreetly rolled her eyes before mumbling, "Don't be, nobody expects you to come anyway."

"Well, mother was yet again pissed and disappointed from your absence, my dear fianceè. Honestly Rhian, you should've went with me earlier since you had nothing important to do anyway. Instead, you left me making up yet another excuses and endure an earful from mother alone." Jason sighed. "I really don't get why you would always turn down invitations like this."

"You know exactly why, Jason." Rhian says. "And please, if you're just here to bore me with the same lecture you'd uttered for numerous times, then leave. I don't want you dampening my mood."

"Okay I'll shut up. Geez, you don't have to be snappy." Jason put his hands in surrender. "Alright change of topic... So, Glaiza, what would you be performing on stage?"

"Oh, I'll be singing while playing my guitar." Glaiza smiles, tapping her instrument by her side. "The songs I'll be sing-"

The short-haired girl was cut mid-sentence when she heard a snort from Jason. The group looked at each other in confusion when the guy started laughing.

"What's so funny, Jason?" Katrina raised her eyebrow.

"I- I'm sorry, its just that-" Another fit of laugh erupted from him, earning a couple of curious stares and some glares from other people sitting near the group. "I didn't peg Glaiza as the singing type person."

"And why is that?" Dennis creased his forehead.

" I mean, come on. Her voice isn't exactly..." Jason shifted in his seat. "well, lets just say, the usual charming girly voice most ladies possess."

"So what the hell are you implying?" Rhian snapped.

"Rhi..." Glaiza warned, tugging on the hem of the rich girl's shirt, but Rhian just shrug her off.

"That her voice is terrible and something to be laughed at?" Rhian says.

"That's not what I meant, Rhian. It just didn't cross my mind that Glaiza could be a singer." Jason defended.

Rhian scoffed. "So what, when she announced that she indeed would sing on the stage, you're first reaction is to insult her by laughing like its an absurd joke?"

Jason's eyes widen in disbelief. "I didn't intend to insult her, Rhian. As I've said, I never thought Gla-"

"I didn't made fun of you when you mentioned that you had a talent in drawing despite the fact that you don't even look half good like your art. So never insult Glaiza again, or you and I are having a huge problem." Rhian threatened.

"What Rhian meant was, don't judge my talent based from my not so stereotypical girl's voice. But I know you were just surprised. So in Rhian's behalf, I apologize for her outburst." Glaiza butted in before she tug firmly on Rhian's arm to cut her continuous glares towards the guy.

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