chapter 45 - Steve and Lennox

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"Steve! Scar is missing her favorite toy, where is it!" Lennox shouted from the bedroom where she held the one year old in her arms

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"Steve! Scar is missing her favorite toy, where is it!" Lennox shouted from the bedroom where she held the one year old in her arms. Life was hectic in the tower Steve wanted to move back to their house because they have a baby now but Lennox was nervous to leave the rest of the Avengers alone or more she was nervous for herself. They kept her sane at some points, she still had Steve and Natasha her rocks but now she had a baby on top of all of that.

"It's in her crib!" Steve yelled back, Lennox looked in the crib and it wasn't there, "No wait it's in the kitchen i'll get it." Steve announced, he grabbed the toy and walked into their bedroom. "Hey, princess." He greeted his crying daughter handing her the toy.

"Why don't i get greeted like that?" Lennox questioned laying Scarlett down in her bed, Scarlett slept in their room because they didn't want the other Avengers to get annoyed by the crying even though they all woke up from nightmares anyway.

"Because she doesn't hit me in the middle of the night." Steve sent back. "But if you want me to greet you with that what would i call my angel?"

Lennox rolled her eyes, "She could be our little witch just like her aunty Wanda who we miss dearly. Or baby widow, maybe baby dragon. She has attitude, kind of like me." Steve watched his wife light up about the different name options, they left the room leaving the baby to sleep.

To say that life has been easy for them was an overstatement. Life has not been easy for any of the Avengers Clint has gone silent but he was not on the list of deceased, it worried Lennox completely. But she stayed strong for everyone around her, Steve tried to help but the two were barely home together they would each take turns going on missions so they got one day a week together.


"Lenna!" Steve called for his wife, she was at home with the baby while he went on a mission with Nat.

"Come quick! She's going to say her first word!" Lennox shouted, Steve came at a run it didn't matter how exhausted he was he was just excited for his daughter's milestone. "Okay, Scar say momma."

"Ro." Scarlett babbled out, Lennox looked over to see the grumpy raccoon sitting on the chair.

"No. Say momma." Lennox said with more enthusiasm. Steve glared at Rocket for a moment before turning his attention back to his daughter.

"No, sweetie say dada." Steve coerced his daughter. Then Natasha walked into the room waving at her niece.

"Nat." Scarlett reached up for Natasha to pick her up. Lennox smacked Nat's hands away and turned back to the baby.

"Momma." Lennox protested, Natasha was trying not to laugh at the frustration and Rocket just sat there not paying attention. "Say momma, please. I'll give you cookies."

"Don't bribe her." Steve demanded his wife. "Say dada."


"Return her." Lennox stated as she left the room, Steve picked up Scarlett.

"Good job, Scar." Steve high fived the almost one year old. Walking into the kitchen to give her a cookie.


Lennox and Steve walked into the living room where they saw Scarlett taking her first steps towards Rocket. Rocket had a look of fear plastered on his face.

"Get the demon away from me." Rocket demanded standing on the chair pointing at the baby. "The blonde hair and blue eyes is scary enough and now she drools!"

Lennox face lit up so bright as she saw her daughter take her first steps. She didn't care that Scarlett was tormenting Rocket, it made it ten times funnier to her.

"Look at our little Avenger, already tormenting everyone shes a natural." Lennox beamed picking up Scarlett and kissing her face all over.

"Avenger? No, she is a demon."

"Rocket don't be dramatic, we know that you secretly adore Scarlett." Lennox rubbed the top of Rockets head moving her hand before he went to bite her.

"I don't know why you are so scared of her." Steve stated taking Scar from his wife's hands.

"She drools, like i'm some sort of food. Now she walks, nobody is safe."

-flashback over-

Natasha laid on Lennox's bed while Lennox, Nat, and Scarlett napped after a tiring day of trying to keep the baby busy while Steve was sleeping on the floor next to the bed. Rhodey and Nebula stood in the door way.

"Do we wake them?" Rhodey questioned looking at the three adults sleeping like a baby and the baby.


"They look like a bunch of idiots." Rhodey commented.

"When don't they look like idiots."


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