chapter 36 - infinity war

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(Nomad Steve Supremacy as always🧎‍♀️😝🤚🏻)

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(Nomad Steve Supremacy as always🧎‍♀️😝🤚🏻)

They are on the jet, terrified. Bruce Banner had explained the horrific encounter with Thanos briefly. Lennox Rogers, The Wyvern, was in her new and improved white suit that can wield 10x more heat, her powers have increased in strength making her higher on the dangerous scale. Natasha Romanoff, black widow, her suit has more weapons stored and makes it much easier to move around in. Steve Rogers, Nomad, his improved suit had no more red white and blue it was only a dark blue, he had made weapons that he could fight with incase of emergencies. The Falcon, made his wings stronger and red wing much faster. But nonetheless, the group of fugitives were fearful of the future as they set out to go get Wanda and Vision who were in Scotland, unaware that they weren't the only ones looking for the couple.

A train was passing by, Steve waiting on the other side of it. Natasha and Lennox waited in the corners, Lennox had balled up fire ready to shoot it at the invaders. The Falcon, Sam Wilson, was getting ready to swoop in.

Steve caught the scepter that was thrown at him, the alien was getting ready to attack when Sam took her out with his wings. Throwing the alien into the glass, shattering everything around them. Steve launched the scepter into Natashas hands as she went on to attack the invaders, beating them gracefully with the scepter.

Lennox came running into the fight throwing spheres of fire at an alien who was coming after Natasha, she could see Wandas grateful expression making her fill with more fire ready to rain down on the aliens who tried to mess with her daughter and the man or robot she hoped to have for a son in law. She didn't realize how much fire she was controlling until the whimpers of the alien broke through her thoughts, Lennox's whole body was in fire and she did not come here to play.

Steve was now fighting with the head Alien in charge, Lennox finished off with the invader she was fighting and moved to help her husband. The alien Steve was fighting went after Natasha as well, Lennox forced a bow and arrow out of fire and shot the alien in the stomach. It didn't slow the invader down, Sam Wilson came in with his wings and kicked the alien away from his family.

"Get up." The Alien commanded her ally.

"I can't." The hurt alien on the ground groaned back, Lennox smirked with pride knowing she caused his pain.

"We don't wanna kill you." Natasha stated.

"But we will." Lennox finished, the four ex Avengers stood in front of the invaders looking down at them.

"You'll never get the chance again." The alien defensively told the group. Then a blue light lifted the two aliens into the sky, leaving the group almost flabbergasted but as well as annoyed that they just left. Lennox ran towards Wanda and Vision, her fire was nothing more than a bit of heat to the touch of her skin.

"Are you okay?" Lennox frantically asked wrapping her arm around Wanda and kissing the top of her head, thankful she was okay. Wanda nodded in response and the rest of the group followed after Lennox.

"Can you stand?" Sam asked Vision, Sam and Wanda helped up the hurt robot.

"Thank you, Captain." Vision weakly smiled at Steve.

"Let's get you on the jet." Steve pointed his head towards wear Sam landed the jet.

The group was on the jet, Natasha was closing the door. "I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in, don't take any chances." Natasha gritted, Lennox was leaning against her husband close to the other couple.

"I'm sorry." Wanda replied, "We just wanted time."

"Where to, Cap?" Sam asked from the pilot seat.

"Home." Steve looked down at his beautiful wife, she smirked knowing exactly what he was talking about.

Here was the team, reentering their home once again. The Avengers facility, it was all still the same just much less chaotic. The criminal Avengers walked through the hallways looking through the glass to see James Rhodes, walking and being feisty to Secretary Ross.

"Mr. Secretary." Steve greeted, he stood in between Lennox and Natasha.

The hologram of the Secretary walked towards the team, a scowl present on his face and a mean look present on Lennox's face. "You got some nerve." The secretary stated to the team. Lennox rolled her eyes, holding her tongue down before she said something really nasty to him. "I'll give you that."

"You could use some of that right now." Natasha sent back at the gray haired man.

"The worlds on fire. And you think all is forgiven?" He asked the team.

"I'm not looking for forgiveness. And i'm way past asking permission." Steve looked down at the man who named the team criminals, "Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way... we'll fight you too."

The secretary turned back over to James Rhodes, "Arrest them."

"All over it." Rhodey responded. Rhodey waved his hand moving the secretary out of sight.

"That's a court-martial. It's great to see you Cap." Rhodey smiled up at the team.

"You too, Rhodey." Cap shook his old friends hand and Lennox and Natasha moved down a step letting Vision, Wanda, and Sam move in closer. Rhodey hugged Natasha and then hugged Lennox.

"Wow, you guys... really look like crap." Rhodey teased the team of beat up Avengers. "Must have been a rough couple of years."

"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam rolled with Rhodeys teasing.

"Shut up, Sam. You stayed at my house more than anywhere else, i did your laundry and fed you don't complain." Lennox reprimand the Falcon.

"Uh, i think you look great." Banners voice appeared making all of them turn their heads quickly. He chuckled nervously, "Yeah, i'm back."

"Hi, Bruce." Natasha had a small smile on her face greeting her old friend and crush.


"This is awkward." Sam whispered to Wanda and Vision, they looked over at Sam agreeing with his words.

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