𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒

Start from the beginning

"Where the hell have you been!" he yells as he hugs the pair of you.

Goddammit. Too hard, Bokuto my body's still aching.

"A walk," Keiji states emotionlessly, "now get off."

Bokuto does what he's told and backs away from you. You take a deep breath as you relax your muscles.

"Will you please come back to the pool now?" Bokuto begs cutely.

You giggle as you look over at Keiji. He lightly pushes Bokuto as he tells him to get moving. The three of you then begin walking back towards the pool.

"Hey Y/N when did you get changed?" Bokuto asks as he looks over at you inquisitively.

"Awhile ago," Keiji interrupts, "don't look too much into it."

Bokuto passes Keiji a confused look before shrugging the interaction off.

"So Bokuto how did it go not being able to talk for ten minutes?" you tease.

Bokuto's hair immediately droops. Just the thought of that awful dare he had to fulfill was enough to make him sad.

"Terrible!" he cries, "Everybody kept talking to me especially little ginger and I couldn't do anything about it. The moment Daichi said I could talk again I screamed!"

You and Keiji exchange a small grin, knowing you both heard his yell from upstairs by your room.

"Bokuto I got a question for you," Keiji says confidently.

"Yeah?" Bokuto replies nervously.

"Who's the louder screamer? You or," Keiji looks over at you and gives you his sadistic grin, "Y/N?"

Bokuto takes this moment to genuinely ponder the questions.

"That's difficult," Bokuto replies, "Y/N can be pretty loud when she's upset."

Keiji breaks out in laugher only audible to you. You punch his arm and tell him to stop the conversation but he only shakes his head.

"Y/N yelling contest?" Bokuto asks eagerly.

"No way!" you shout, "Why the hell would I-"

"Hmm," Bokuto says intently as he crosses his arms, "Using that as an example I'd say I'm louder."

Keiji's laugher becomes even louder as you smack the back of the head. Bokuto's confused face shifts between the two of you as he tries to figure out what's going on. You walk away from the two of them until you get to the pool.

The second the three of you step into the pool area, Daichi runs up to you.

"Have any of you guys seen Suga? He's been missing for a half hour and we've been looking everywhere for him."

You look over at Keiji who's smirking back at you.

"Nope haven't seen them," Keiji replies.

"Have you checked Fukurodani's rooms?" Bokuto asks.

Just then the poor, confused boy looks past the three of you and his eyes widen. You turn to see the silver-haired boy walk in with Maya.

Daichi walks between you and Bokuto and asks Suga where he's been. You see both Suga and Maya's faces turn bright red as they fumble to come up with a response.

Daichi hits Suga on the back of the head and tells him that he was worried for the past thirty minutes about him.

"I'm sorry," Maya speaks up, "It took so long because we were waiting for something."

Your heart drops since you know Maya's vaguely alluding to waiting for you and Keiji to get out of the room.

"What's she talking about?" Bokuto whispers to you.

You notice pink dust across Keiji's face so you decide to help out.

"Not sure," you shrug.

Bokuto looks over at Keiji's flustered face and passes him a confused, yet worried look.

"Oh I know," you interrupt, "room service!"

You smile at Bokuto and then pull the two boys towards the pool before the conversation gets any more awkward.

You convince Bokuto to play pool basketball with some of the other guys and you sit nearby to watch. Keiji sits down with you and asks if you're having fun watching them play.

"No," you shake your head, "you all better stick to volleyball."

Keiji laughs and agrees with your statement. You watch him intently, thinking about how lucky you are that he's now your boyfriend.

"Keiji? I'm really glad I came to Miyagi."

Keiji leans towards you and puts a hand on your cheek. He kisses you lightly before saying that he's glad you came, too.

Just then you hear gasps come from the pool. Your eyes widen as you look at Keiji, being careful to not make eye contact with anybody else.

"Well," you say as you stand up, "goodnight."

You quickly walk away from the boys and as you leave the pool area you hear Bokuto shout.



{IT WAS ALWAYS YOU} Akaashi x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now