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Your eyes softly open as you're ripped from your dream of the past.

Stupid. Why do I keep thinking about that?

You wash up and dress before heading downstairs. In the kitchen, you quickly make yourself some toast. In the meantime, you look around for your mom, but she's nowhere to be found.

Guess she's at work again.

You walk back to the kitchen as you hear your bread pop up from the toaster. You put a piece in your mouth as you stuff your books into your backpack. After finishing, you put on your shoes and walk out your front door being sure you lock it before you leave.

While you walk to school, you inevitably walk past Akaashi's house. You take a deep breath and decide to walk up to his door. As you are about to knock, you put down your hand in defeat.

He's probably out with Maya or-

Your thoughts are interrupted by Akaashi opening the door right in front of you. Your cheeks suddenly flush at the awkward situation.

"A-Akaashi, hey, uh," you say nervously.

"You ready to walk to school?" he asks as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

"Mhm," you nod slowly.

"Cool. I've been waiting for you the other days too but I thought you had just forgotten we usually walk to school together," he says expressionlessly.

"N-No I didn't forget," you say defeatedly, "I just figured you were walking with Maya instead."

"Huh?" he says sharply, bringing your attention up to his eyes, "Why would you think that?"

"W-Well b-because she's your girlfriend," you stumble.

Akaashi walks out his front door and turns to lock it.

"Maya doesn't live in this direction, Y/N," he tells you.

He turns around and gives you a little grin.

"And besides, I always walk to school with you!"

Akaashi walks past you, leaving you flustered at his statement.

"Y/N?" he asks as you hear him stop walking.

You turn around and see his smirk has grown a bit.

"Why don't you walk to school with Bokuto?"

"Shut up," you groan as you walk past him.

Once you arrive at school you say goodbye to Akaashi. As you turn to walk away you feel a hand on your waist.

"Y/N are you really dating Bokuto?" Akaashi asks quietly.

You're about to answer but the conversation gets cut off by Bokuto's arrival. Akaashi immediately pulls his hand away from you as Bokuto pulls you into one of his suffocatingly big hugs.

"Good morning, Y/N," he says sweetly.

"M-Morning," you manage to squeeze out of your lungs before they collapse.

As Bokuto releases, you see the frustrated look on Akaashi's face again. You turn your attention back to Bokuto as he apologizes for hugging you too hard.

"No worries," you giggle, "I'll see you guys at lunch, okay?"

"Bye Y/N!" Bokuto calls out as you walk away.

Before you enter your building you turn your head to see Bokuto's arm around Akaashi's shoulder as Bokuto laughs while annoying his friend. You wonder what they're saying but dismiss it as you walk inside.

{IT WAS ALWAYS YOU} Akaashi x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now