𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟

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The four of you arrive together at the small park you've gone to ever since you met Akaashi. You walk behind the couple with Bokuto who has been trying his best to keep you distracted from the others.

You walk through the park looking around trying not to focus much on Maya and Akaashi when you see a familiar pond you once skated on with your old friend.

That's where we were the first time we were together. Just the two of us.

"Everything okay?" Bokuto asks, seeing you've stopped walking.

You turn to him and notice Akaashi looking at you as well before he gets tugged away by Maya.

"I just saw a pretty bird that's all," you fakely smile.

Once Maya finds a spot she likes for the four of you to eat, she waves you over.

"Y/N! Bokuto!" she calls out "Come over here!"

You give her a thumbs up while Bokuto waves to her.

"It's kinda funny that Maya won't give up on the idea that we're dating," Bokuto chuckles.

"W-What are you-"

"I think we should play along," he interrupts, "I wanna see how far she'll take it."

"That's such a horribly stupid idea," you groan.

"Who knows maybe Akaashi'll get jealous," he teases.

"D-Don't say that!" you lecture, embarrassed he would say that to you.

"Oh come on," he pleads, "lets at least find out if he is."

You give in and allow Bokuto to walk you over to the other couple.

Once you get to the blanket Akaashi had just laid out, you take off your shoes and patiently wait for Bokuto to open his ridiculously big food container. Maya notices you practically drooling at the box and giggles.

"Bokuto you better hurry up and open the food before Y/N dies of starvation."

Shut up... but seriously Bokuto I'm so hungry.

You watch as Akaashi reveals the food he's brought for him and Maya. Immediately Maya's face lights up while she squeals in excitement.

"I can't believe you actually made lunch for me!"

Bokuto leans over you to get a good look at the food Akaashi made.

"Get off me, stupid," you say as you weakly try to push Bokuto off of you.

"But Y/N it looks so good!" he whines as he sits back up.

"Bokuto you brought a gigantic amount of food for yourself alone. You don't need mine," Akaashi warns.

Instantly Bokuto's face lights up and pulls out your food.

"Here you go, Y/N!" he says as he politely hands you his food.

"Thanks," you giggle as you see how excited he is to eat.

As the four of you eat, Bokuto devours his food in record time and Maya continues to press on over how delicious Akaashi's food is.

"Mmm, Akaashi," she says as she finishes her food "I'm so lucky you made this food for me."

You watch as Maya throws herself onto Akaashi, almost tackling him to the ground.

"Y/N," Bokuto says to distract you as Maya starts kissing her boyfriend, "want a piece of beef?"

Bokuto holds out a small piece of beef on his chopsticks towards you.

{IT WAS ALWAYS YOU} Akaashi x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now