D.I.C.E. stands for Dicke without the k

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3 weeks in the future

The apartment had been quieter than usual. Kokichi was still there, Shuichi was still there, but what about Y/N?

They're gone.

They disappeared.

As soon as the funeral for the newly deceased finished, they vanished. Whether they were dead or alive was to be decided. Kokichi stared at his bare feet, stickling together like a sandwich as he fiddled with his toes. He leaned his head back on the soft pillows of the couch glancing at the small pieces of white that made tiny images in his imaginative mind. But all he could imagine were images of *them.*

Or... all *I* could imagine them.

Well now that you've noticed. It is the great Kokichi Ouma! But that's not what this is about. Usually, I'm up for bragging about myself and my undying love for my beloved Shumai, but *they* won't leave my mind.

It's like an itch on the inside of your skin, you have no idea how it got there, but you scratch it even though it won't do anything. That itch worried me... and I'm not one to worry about things. I had never cared about this tall fellow my entire stay at this small ass apartment.

Until recently I guess...

I cuddle with them, I demand stuff from them, they shout at me, I shout at them, but it's strange really. I've had a crush on the boy detective, my beloved Shumai, as long as I've been the leader of D.I.C.E, yet something feels fuzzy.

Whether it's that I have switched crushes, have two crushes, or am just very confused is to be decided. But what I do know, is that there's something special about this person. Something I can't put my finger on.

To put my long rant that probably made absolutely no sense whatsoever, here it is in a nutshell: I THINK I HAS CRUSH ON Y/N BUT I IS NOT SURE.

After staring at the ceiling that would entertain 8-year-old me for hours, for 2 minutes, I got bored. Shumai said he'd handle the case of where Y/N went while I covered our asses at the 'Dojo of Ogami.'

Which is our only source of income and that both SHUMAI AND /N ABANDONED ME TO DO ALL BY MYSELF. Of course, I forgive them... and you better tell no one.

Wait a minute...

This is my own mind that you're reading and it's not like you can tell any of the characters suckers! >:)

Anyway, not the point.

Due to the fact that the detectives have left me alone at this godforsaken place, not only have I been harassed by little miss 'I hate males,' but I've figured a lot of shit out.

For example, Miss Peko Pekoyama is part of the enemies. It didn't take very long to figure out due to the fact that her real name is Peko Kuzuryuu in the documents.

The shit I've figured out might help out in the long run, but our objective is unclear.

After Maki died, both Y/N, Kaito and Hajime went missing at the same time, and Nagito going undercover to find his beloved boyfriend (bleh), there wasn't much we could do.

Meanwhile, I was sitting here on our soft couch waiting for them to arrive.

Of course, it's 3 am, it has to be. Usually, it was to annoy Y/N, but it has just become the norm at this point.

A single knock sounded through the door, as well as three knocks after, and then a weak knock. I recognized the codes. I walked over, swinging the tiny tail of my mouse onesie as I swung open the door, grinning in delight as I looked at each of my underlings.

Single knock: Code knock for Miu Iruma, codename Mew-Mew, Dice's lead inventor, she makes gadgets for the entire crew, usually for the petty theft that they do.

Three knocks: Code for K1-B0, Codename Keeboy, Co-leader of the robotic branch, due to being a robot himself. Since he has customizable parts and easy reprogramming, he is known to be the spy of the group. Even though he would be such a useful spy, he hangs out with Miu who always blows his cover because of his hate of being customized.

Weak knock: Chihiro Fujisaki codename Chi-Chi, Programmer, Hacker, and the co-leader of Dice himself. He still hasn't been comfortable with telling everyone of the fact that he's a guy and joined Dice to get stronger.

I grinned from ear to ear as I stared at all of their serious expressions, I closed the door behind them all and my wide grin faded into the frown I'd never show with an open door. They all took their seats on the couch and I sat across from them.

"What's the intel?" I asked, looking over at Chihiro.

"Well from what I've found out so far using the chip we planted on Komaeda, the Yakuza is a cover-up name for 15 people infected with a virus known as the despair disease, Komaeda explained that a temporary solution to the problem is to say a word, as he called 'Keyword,' that hits them close enough to home to wake them out of the trance," Chihiro explained.

Kokichi nodded, "What about... you guys...." The supreme leader glared at the strawberry blonde and the robot with suspicious eyes.

"Ain't got much shit, though we do have some intel on those remnants of despair and some foundation that we've never heard of."

Kokichi raised an eyebrow and kicked his feet on the table, leaning back in his chair.

"Lean farther back and I'll see your cock. Speaking of cocks, why don't you explain Kiibo?"

"W-What does cocks have to do with me??" Kiibo stared at the dirty-minded inventor in distress, before calming down after a couple of minutes. The robot let out a sigh, (made of just audio due to the fact he doesn't breathe) and explained.

"After Miu tracked Kuzuryuu for a couple of days we found he was going back and forth between here, to here." a hologram shone out from his eyes as he pointed to an island, the ground where the secret 'Remnant of despair' base was located, and a building near the under-construction police station. "After a bit of research... and spying... I scanned a few faces and identified each location."

Another hologram appeared up, this time showing a couple of photos of people walking, next to them showed a picture of their most recent passport photo and some facts about them and their name underneath.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu - Last seen entering a hole hidden in a subway station in Kyoto. The passageway connects to (Location 326873) = Dojo of Ogami, as well as (Location 226890) = 'Remnant of Despair' base.

Ibuki Mioda - An employee at Maizono's Karaoke, has done suspicious activity ever since Kiiboy and Mew-Mew entered the karaoke room. Seen to be talking with Peko Kuzuryuu.

Toko Fukawa - Lingers around abandoned building 265378 and carries metal surgeon scissors. Seems to be on the lookout for remnants of despair. Written as 'Not Employed' in official documents but carries around the badge 'Future Foundation.'

Makoto Naegi & Kyoko Kirigiri - Most information unknown, but has relations to Toko Fukawa and carries around 'Future foundation' badges as well.

Future Foundation?

Remnants of despair?

Despair Disease?

A grin flickered onto my lips, "We have people to kidnap."

(Hello there :D I'm sure you've noticed that in earlier chapters I didn't explain why I called Chihiro by she/her/calling him a girl. I hope this clears things up.

Also sorry for the long disappearance from this, I had major writer's block as well as accidentally killing off Maki instead of Kaito, so a lot of the plot has been changed :')

Also, I'll be aiming to post here more consistently and if I do accidentally take too long I might do more Lil snidbits. If you have any requests for things I can do there then just comment here or dm me.  if you dm me I can't promise I'll see it through. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Cya.)

(Late a/n: it's really late and I didn't proof-read anything)

- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛Roll of the dice | Shuichi x Reader x Kokichi❜┊˚ ͙۪۪◌ (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now