Chapter 6 - Evil

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Holding the sword up to your torture victim, you smile as a blaze ignites. Her brows form sweat as the tip nears the skin. Suddenly your phone started ringing, (favorite song) playing out loud making you sigh.

"Yes?" you answer the video call to see Romanoff smiling. "What is it? I'm busy," turning the camera to the bloody woman, you see Natasha sigh.

"I just wanted to thank you for the plans, it helped a lot,"

"Is this sentiment? How cute," you place the phone down and drag the blade across the woman's cheek, her scream muffled by the gag.

"A simple 'you're welcome' would suffice,"

"That's boring," sipping at your tea you let the blade change into one emitting an icy touch.

"Figure out the sword?"

"Yes and it's brilliant! Saves so much space," the blade was dug into the woman's stomach, freezing the skin slowly. "Thank you, Friggason!" you call, seeing the god pass behind Nat.

"What?" Loki peers into the phone and growls. "Don't stain the handle!"

"I can do what I want, it was part of the deal, sweetheart,"

"Insufferable," he storms off making you grin and wipe down your hands on your apron.

"Anyways, thank you for calling, but I think she's ready to answer," you salute and let the call end. "Now..."


"Was that L/n?"

"Mhm, she's enjoying the blade," Nat tosses the phone on the couch before settling beside it.

"Please tell me that's the last we see of her?"

"I doubt it," Vision floats by Clint who groans.

"She's valuable," Stark reminds.

"I could feel her hurt when we met... she's a broken soul," Wanda quips with an unsure look.

"She's sadistic and psychotic," Pietro scoffs.

"She is in pain-" Wanda shoots back.

"She has no remorse, that's been proven plenty of times," Tony sips harshly at his liquor, staring at the swirling liquid. "Y/n doesn't care about anyone but herself,"

"Which means she's dangerous and the new villain in our books," Cap states, folding his arms. "She is evil without a trace of good in her system and I want you all to be on high alert if you ever come across her,"


"She is evil without a trace of good in her system and I want you all to be on high alert if you ever come across her,"

You scoff and shut off the monitor. Evil huh? Was it not obvious you were neutral? All the times you helped them when you could have assisted with Hydra's plans?

You weren't a villain, nor a hero; far from the latter.

Helping who must be helped for your benefit yes, but on all occasions when dragged into Shield and Hydra banter, were you not always by Shield's side?

Could you blame them for concern? No, but it still hurt to hear them act as if you were nothing but pure evil.

"Fine, evil they say, evil they get," you snap before walking out the torture room, leaving the woman in a pool of her own blood.


The next few months was a blood bath. Every country was seeping with blood... no not the innocent but rather the corrupt. You couldn't bring yourself to hurt those who didn't deserve it, but those who did lay strung up on the wall drenched in glistening crimson.

World leaders went into a frenzy trying to calm everyone down, but as they did, your ledger was spewing red. All in the comfort of your home!

Do the dirty work and spend time traveling? Boring, taxing, tiring. So, as you watched movies and did paperwork in bed, the population declined.


Gunshots fired through your front door as men burst down the door with Hydra symbols on their shoulders.

"Shit," you duck and take cover. Taking out hidden weapons in the couch, you throw a line of stars into the necks of four soldiers. Shooting back twice as much as they did, you were running out of ammo. "Shit, shit, shit! ANNA!" you take out the blade and try to aim a blast of flames at the intruders

"Sup, bitches," your assistant threw a Flash grenade in the living room. Covering your senses, you felt her drag you away and into a hidden door behind a bookshelf, walling right into the garage. "Bad news, boss,"

"How could there be bad news now?!"

"All the safe houses are busted, we got no where to go?"

"Fuck!" grabbing your phone you start to check all your assets. "Plane?"

"Can't travel, jet is on fire," Anna shows footage making you growl and open your jaguar door, you slam it shut as Anna got in her Impala, a gift you got her on her birthday. "Where are we headed?"

"Stark Tower," roaring the engine to life, you drive out the door hidden behind a wall made for these types of situations. The tunnel elongated all the way to another parking garage across the city.


Yeah I got an impala in this book, what's it to you?

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Yeah I got an impala in this book, what's it to you?

- Anna ❤️

Neutral: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now