Maybe Revali's A Nice Guy

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(Revali joined the chat)

Revali: No one isn't here.

Revali: Great. I can't bug people now. 

Revali: I always wonder...

Revali: that why does everyone treats me like dirt while I sacrificed my self?

Revali: I cooperated with them a lot, but what do I get? Nothing.

Revali: Even Link said that he'll change my opinion about me, and I agreed, but I guess he was lying.

Revali: I shouldn't change mine too.

Revali: *sighs* When I be nice, I get nothing from it. Mipha does, and I don't

Revali: What I just want to do is to show myself into the world. But instead, Link only gained more popularity.

Revali: I mean, I did save him that last time I had a chance.

Revali: No one talks about me now. 

Revali: Maybe I wasn't nice to Link?

Revali: I don't know.

Revali: It's probably too late to change now. Everyone's gonna treat me the same way if I still change.

Revali: *sighs*

Revali: I miss the old days. Where everyone talked about me, where Urbosa and I got drunk and bugged some people, where everyone was amazed with my gale, and lots more. No one talks about my power anymore. Urbosa probably got meaner, and when I'm a champion, people talk about Link and Zelda the most. Not me. They forgot about me. This all happened because of me becoming a champion. I do like the blue scarf though. *sighs* I'll be off this chat for a while.

(Revali left the chat)

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