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Ravioli_Revali17: Guess what. This is going to be humor for a little while, so I just wanted to thank you all for reading this much. Since it's going to be a humor, it'll go back to a regular texting story with name changing, profile pic sharing, and more. It's only for a little while, so those who liked my serious story part, please just skip the humor part and move on to the serious business part if u want to. Those who just want to laugh, here's a chance for u. Anyway, thank you for reading this far, and I'll still try my best to post even more parts.

Ravioli_Revali17: Also, if I can get to 50 followers, I might do a 50 followers special Q&A. It's still okay if you just want to read instead of voting, commenting, and following, so feel free to just read it too. Have a nice rest of the day! (Or night)

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