Champions vs Astor's Allies

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*Everyone meets at Hyrule field*

*Astor fade back*

Astor: I'm here to hear your answer. Who is it, are you going to sacrifice? Whoever it is, stand up besides me, and I'll tale you in a special place.

Everyone: ........

*Revali steps up besides Astor*

Astor: So the bird is going with me. 

Revali: Shut up, and don't call me bird.

Astor: Anyways, I'll be back soon. Say good bye to your little friend!!!!

*Astor takes Revali and fades away, cackling*

Zelda: .....So, he went.

Link: ......yeah..........

Mipha: Bye the time he comes back, Revali's gonna be-

Urbosa: Don't say it. It'll only make you feel bad.

Daruk: Yeah. But really.... Who is Astor's strong allies?

Terrako: Beep Boop. Bop Beep, Bop Bepp Boop Beep Bop Beepoop Boop Beep. Bop Beep Bopep Bop Beep Boop Bepp.... ( I dunno. I mean, it take 4,000 souls to make all four. I have a feeling that they'll be strong.....)

*Zelda sighs deeply*

*Astors fade in again*

Astor: Well hello friends. I suppose that your little bird is gone, and my four allies will rise against you guys now. They'll be lead by my most strongest one I have right now.

*Dark Terrako shows up*

Terrako: !!!!!

Terrako: Beep Boop! (That is!)

Dark Terrako: Boop. (Yes)

Astor: Dark Terrako, show your self!

*Dark Terrako reveals to be Harbinger Ganon*

*Harbinger Ganon screeches*

Astor: And say hello to my four allies!

*Thunder, Wind, Fire, and Water Blight Ganon appears*

Zelda: So.... were supposed to fight these monsters!?

Link: I suppose so Zelda!

Urbosa: Thunderblight is attacking me already! It's quick moves are so hard to dodge!

Daruk: Fireblight's nothing like those Yiga blademasters. They're way too easy! This guy's way too hard!

Mipha: Waterblight's long spear is hard to dodge! I can't.... Ugh!

Link: Windblight and Harbinger is attacking us! Aaaagh!!!!

Zelda: Link!


*Zelda uses Sheikah Slate to fight*

Astor: Hahahaha! Fools! Now you see how this works! Even if one champion goes away, it won't be a match!

Zelda: .......


*Terrako's beam isn't doing any damage*

Terrako: Beep!? (What!?)

Mipha: Ugh.... why....why does it have to be this!

Urbosa: .......Can some one replace mine with an easier one?

Daruk: I can't. Fireblight Ganon is always choosing me! AAAAGH!

*Mipha jabs Water blight several times and damages Waterblight, but is knocked back with the long spear*

*Urbosa strikes Thunderblight and harms it, but it strikes back with its lightning*

*Daruk swings his Boulder Breaker and is about to defeat Fireblight, but it's strong fire knocks Daruk back*

Link: Ugh, I... can't dodge! Two of them are attacking me rapidly!

Zelda: No....When we lose, we die.


Terrako: Beep Boop! (Stop Princess!)

Link: Don't say it Zelda! Is this what Revali wanted?

Mipha: You're strong and kind. We've promised Revali that we'll never make this our fault.

Daruk: You've lead us right now, and if we win, we save Hyrule!

Urbosa: You've also chosen us to be champions, and you've chosen the right choice. We are all strong, and together, stronger.

Terrako: Beep, Bop Bepp Bop. (Zelda, it's not your fault)

*Zelda starts to remember*

What's going on in Zelda's mind...

Zelda's Mom: My sweet Zelda, before I die. Before I die, I promise to protect Hyrule and become a great queen.

Zelda: Mother!

Zelda's Mom: Little bird, here. You'll be a great queen. I know that somewhere in you, there's that power, that even the sealing power can't reach. That power is your determination. I... I-

*Zelda's Mom stopped breathing*

Zelda: MOTHER!!!

Zelda: Mother.... no....

*Terrako sings Zelda's Lullaby*

Zelda: Terrako... 

Zelda: Mother, I promise to be a great queen, and protect Hyrule!

Going out of Zelda's mind.....

Zelda: !!!!!

Link: What?

Zelda: No matter what. No matter what, we will protect Hyrule! Even when we're losing, we will not give up! 


Urbosa: I have the power to defeat Thunderblight now.

Mipha: My arms are now yelling me to defeat Waterblight.

Terrako: Bop Beep Bop Beepoop Bepop! (I will kill Harbinger Ganon!)

Link: Thanks Zelda, let's defeat Astor's allies!

Zelda: Yes! For mother and for Revali!

*Mipha Dodges the spear, and nearly kills Waterblight*

*Urbosa flurry rushes Thunderblight, and is about to strike one last lightning*

*Daruk Tackles Fireblight with Daruk's Protection, and smash's Boulder Breaker to the ground*

*Link shoots many arrows at the eye of Windblight, and Zelda uses her Sheikah Slate for the final     attack, resulting in defeat of one of the allies*

Astor: Grrnn.... How dare you kill my allies....

*Astor creates bloodmoon again, summoning even more monsters*

Zelda: Astor! That's not the deal!

Astor: Bah! Who cares about that stupid deal. I only care about defeating you all.


Astor: I can't. I can't bring him back to life. But I WILL KILL YOU ALL!

*Harbinger Ganon is about to do the one last attack on Link*

Terrako: BEEP! (LINK!)

Everyone else: What?

Link: AAAAGGH!!!!

Mipha: NO!!!

*Zelda runs up to Link*

Zelda: STOP IT!!!

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